Just Picked Up A 40Ltr Tank

Well, I'm back onto this thread after closing the other thread I started when my cycle stalled.
All is well and ammonia & nitrites 2.0ppm - 0ppm in 12 hrs so I'm planning on visiting a local breeder on Sunday and get some nice graded RCS to start with. If all goes well with them I'm hoping to introduce some neocaridina at a later date.
Here's a few pics of the tank. it's a low tech planted tank with a little slate cave I stuck together! 





Picked up my little sakura shrimp today. They seem happy enough I just hope all goes well! Here are a few pictures, sorry for poor quality as the macro mode isn't very good on my mobile phone!!



They look great mate, fantastic to see it finally taking shape for you!
The original issue with cycling this tank may always be a mystery, yet i'd still love to know WHAT was the problem there.
What shrimp next?
congrats!!!! Love the tank, and the shrimp. Super excited for you :)
Here's another couple of pics, I just started to put some from my larger tank into the shrimp only tank.

If you look there's a tiny shrimp in the foreground.

Not sure which other shrimp I'll put in yet TA. I just hope these guys settle in first!

Thanks Greenmumma! 
never considered shrimp before, are they reasonaly easy to look after or do they have loads of predators ? I have been following this trhead for ages, sorry ive youve already answered this question
Apparently the red cherry are pretty hardy as shrimps go, so that's why I started with them, although regular water changes are req which is no different to keeping any other fish I guess. Red cherry shrimp can  live in a wider range of temperature and PH levels from what I've read. As far as predators I guess that all depends on what you have in your tank e.g I don't think they would last long in a cichlid tank setup unless you had lot's of hiding places for them. A planted tank would also be the best bet. I kept 5 in my community tank (see my sig for the fish in there) and they were all ok in there but if you wanted them to breed then they would need to be kept in a shrimp only tank with maybe a otto in there as the only fish that seems to be widley regarded as safe, again this is my opinion from what I've read.
Just a little update.
Tank doing ok, lost a couple of shrimp not certain why tbh. Parameters fine and the 2 that died were the larger ones from my 180L tank so it could be just age. Anyway, here's a pic of one with a load of eggs, she was sitting on top of a moss ball fanning the eggs. Several other's are also saddled so hopefully there will be an increase in the population soon!
Been a couple of months since I posted on this thread, shrimp doing fine and breeding well. Hoping to introduce some CBS in a few weeks time as these won't inter-breed with the CRS.
Here's a few pics.






That's great! I really wish my shrimp (pearls) would start multiplying, they've turned out to be pretty sensitive IMO. I think I'm going to give it another month, and if they haven't got it together then I'm thinking about ordering some good ole cherries :)
No, they should be easily bred.  The tank is newly set up but fully cycled with media from my big tank. They molted and molted and some have died!! I think it was due to the heat though, so hopefully now that the weather has cooled down, they can start reproducing or they're getting the boot :p

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