Just Increased My Corries What A Difference!


Fish Addict
Apr 11, 2011
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Hi ,i`ve got a 110l with the following fish in 3a lbino corries,2 bronze,2 dwarf gouramis ,6 green fire tetra ,8 glowlight tetra ,2 pitbull plecs and shrimp . Went out today and increased bronze corries by 3 to 5,what a difference ,they`re swimming around together and going mad ,would i be able to increase them by any more or not as i feel really guilty now about the albinos?
i reckon that you should be able to increase the number of albinos to 5, the same as the bronze corys you have. to be on the safe side though, use a stocking calculator to check your capacity (try ##151### etc..i think there are guidelines on here too??). good luck. L :)
Thanks Laura ,what does everyone else think as i don`t want to get overstocked?
I think you would be fine to up the albino's to 5. Although i would have gone for either the glowlights ot the green fires. Just personal prefferance though.

Get some pics up Maisy, can't wait to see them. :)
Thanks,already have a shoal of glowlights and green fire tetra ,but want to increase my corries as i love to watch them ,would increase them to 6 each if i could but i think that1s pushing it as i1ve seen them fully grown in pets at home.
I would stick with 5 of each personally. :good:

I was reffering to having a larger shoal of one or the other of the tetra's as the only thing i would do different. I know you already have them though.
Thanks for that,will have to wait for more than 5 of each [bronze, albinos] until i`ve got a bigger tank :sad:
Am i right in thinking it is you with the 3ft tank? I have a 3ft tank and wouldn't hesitate to have a group of 12 Cory's... I think it's the volume that throws people. It's a decent sized footprint and providing you have adequate filtration then you would probably get away with it... :unsure:
No ,it`s not 3 foot long,it`s only 31 inches long,and i`ve also got 2 pitbull plecs on the bottom. I have got good filtration though and test the water daily.
No ,it`s not 3 foot long,it`s only 31 inches long,and i`ve also got 2 pitbull plecs on the bottom. I have got good filtration though and test the water daily.

I've got a 30" long tank (18" wide) with 11 panda cories, they have plenty of room. I'm not going to add any more though. How wide is your tank? Its all about the footprint with bottom dwellers.
also the less clutter the better, stem plants are great, then dont fill the substrate like massive rocks and crappy ornaments.
Hi , the width of my tank is 13 1/2 inches ,but i have got some logs in which i`m taking out to give them some more room . I n total my bottom dwellers are , 5 bronze corries ,3 albino and 2 pitbull plecs with several shrimp.
also the less clutter the better, stem plants are great, then dont fill the substrate like massive rocks and crappy ornaments.

Hey! Was that a shot Tizer? :lol:

My massive rocks take up very little footprint of the tank, in fact, my cories favorite place to hang out is in the cave created by my massive rocks. Also, my newest cories have taken a liking to working in the crevices of the driftwood, and the tops of the rock decor. They seem to be a bit more adventurous than the others.

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