Just Bid On An L200!

Seller just sent me some pics of the plec! He said he thinks it's a female but not really sure. Here's the 5 best out of the like 20 he sent me! :hyper:






He's now in qt from the tank for the next 2 days so that he gets nothing to eat so he can be shipped. That cave in with him is now mine. I bought it for $5 since it's the plecs favorite. Only $5 and it should help with stress. Shipped at 8 AM Monday will arrive by 8 PM Tuesday. Can't wait!!!!! :hyper: :good:
I hate to say it, but I don't think its a Bary. Check the green phantoms on planetcatfish.com, the Bary's dorsal fin has a web that goes down to the adipose fin.
You can't really tell in those pics, because he's young and his spots are faint right now, but he/she has spots, very faint one, on the pelvic fin and in between the spines. That's why we've concluded it's just a deformed Bary.
lol minnnt. It works where I'm putting it, and itll be fully covered in subwassertang to cover up the fugliness lol.
Lol yep. It'll just be like a bush in the corner, with a hole in it for the plec to go in :)
That is Hemiancistrus subviridis, not a 'Hi fin'.

Agree with Mint's concise assessment of the cave :lol:
That is Hemiancistrus subviridis, not a 'Hi fin'.

Agree with Mint's concise assessment of the cave :lol:

Hmm, which brings me back to the concern of this potentially ~20cm catfish going into a 80cm long tank long term...

Mike, is the potential size realistic for a hobby specimen and what size tank do you feel either L200 variant needs long term?
Well the good news is that Hemis are hardier than Barys so acclimation should be easier.

Depending what else is in there then a fully grown H. subviridis will just about fit in an 80cm tank, not ideal but it can be done with care.
The fish just arrived. Definately dead. I wasn't satisfied by the way it was packed. Very little packing, and the fish sitting right on the ice pack. The ice pack was hot as was the fish water. I took the temp. And it was about 85* F. Overall not satisfied and I'm getting my DOA.

I'll now be buying a different plec I suppose, as I'm not going to spend that much anymore since now I'm out $15 on shipping costs. Maybe a clown from petco :(

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