101cm x 50cm x 41cm.
We live in west Cornwall and i know we generally have soft water. I've just brought a full liquid test kit so I can do a fish less cycle and test the water for pH etc. I've always managed to keep plattys happily though as think alot are bred in the area.
Was originally thinking of getting angelfish but unsure about keeping them with my already smaller fish! The neons can go to a friend but I love the harlaquins, they are so active and stay in a lovely shoaling formation. The tank will be well planted with lots of hiding spaces so would the harlaquins be fast enough to get away from the angels when they get bigger? I know I kept angels in a big mixed community tank before with success. Female betas I looked at but their short life span puts me off! The other option would be exchange all small fish for bigger fish but I really wanted the corrydoras, the only thing that might make me change my mind on them are the pictus catfish as I used to have them and loved them. I think I prefer a peaceful tank though hence why was thinking the neon rainbows! There are just too many decisions!