I agree it's a lovely fish no matter what it is. It may well be a hybrid, however it's features coincide with a shepard. Looking at the shape, mine is oval, the flame is almost triangular in shape. The dorsel fin is flatter and more elongated compared to that of a flame. It's colouring and patterning arent that of a flame (although this will naturally vary from species to species.)
From google images alone, forgetting the research I have done suggest it is more similar in appearance than the flame.
The price has no relevance as it was sold to my LFS as unknown Angel. He identified it (he has 20years experience, 10 as a marine biologist) his father who owned the shop before him has 40years) it came in and they didn't think it was a flame so researched it. He showed me the research and books and I agree with their diagnostic. It may not be a shepards angel but it's not a flame angel, and it's way more similar to a shepards in my opinion.
I don't understand your length comment all fish start as small and grow. It's certainly not adult in size for any dwarf angel.
I appreciate your imput and comments though, and I see where your coming from but I do disagree.. Incase you couldn't tell!!