Just An Id On My Cory


Fish Addict
Dec 3, 2007
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I have been trying to ID my cory which was sold to me as a Julii (hmm) I have just spotted a pic in another thread of what he looks like.

Lindsey88 calls it a spotted cory... what is its scientific name?


If that link doesn't work the post is in this section of the forum called "do different species of corys shoal.


that link doesnt work at all.

if sold as a Julii I would imagine its C. trillienatus as C. julii is quite hard to come by, there is another corydoras species it gets confused with, i cant remember its name off hand, but its normally referred to as a map cory or something similar.


Just looked at that other post, the corys species they have on there which would be 'spotted' IS C. trillienatus
Yup that's him!! I have a Julii and so i bought him as he was the last one in the shop but when I got him home I realised he looked nothing like my julii. Why don't fish shops ever label correctly?!?

mainly because they dont know what they are.
I've had a stand up arguement with a manager in a pets@home over a Polypertus delhezi, he had it marked a P. ornatipinnis and if look google those they look nothing alike. He told me it doesnt get black till its older, lol. He said he ordered P. ornatipinnis and thats what came from his 'mate' apparently at the fish suppliers. Anyway I bought it, he was ony a few inches he is now cracking onto 8" and hasnt changed species yet.

Apparently if they come in labeled as one fish, in Pets@Home they arent allowed to change the names for display.

I could rant all day about this, as I hate pets@hjome becuase they dont train their staff, I rescued a baby P. senegalus from a large tank in one of their stores as it was scared stiff as it was with a lot of large fish.

they told me it was blind so needed hand feeding, there is nothing wrong with its sight and he has grown about 1"-1.5" in the two I've had him. as he is now eating correctly
I have also had lps tell me they label thier fish as what the suppliers tell them. I have seen some crazy labels on Corys. It is hard though as there are so many different species of Corys and relatives like Aspidoras, etc., plus the aquarium and tank bred mixes. Some species have a broadly different appearance--such as trilis. Many Corys in the hobby are not even properly sorted yet with more new ones added all the time and the powers that be have not decided what species they are. I have several in that category that are cf and sp and the hobbyists have hot debates over what to call them and where to put them. Ian started a whole new naming system. I suppose it is helpful to some.

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