Jumper Dried Out


Fish Crazy
Jun 24, 2005
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Well, this is my very FIRST jumper ever.

Luna, a good mommy I breed quite alot, was currently living in her own 7 gal tank, complete with hood. Only a small punch out opening on the back for the heater - about 4" to freedom.

So my daughter started screaming "our fish from the tank"??? I didn't understand...she's 5...so I come running.... and little Luna is stuck to the lino, cripsy looking!

well I as pretty sure she was DOA, as she was sunken and shiny/dry, but when I touched her she flopped! The edges of her fins looked like cooked salmon:) ugg. Its at least 4ft from the tank to where she was found and she would have had to flop alot to get there.

So I washed her in bettafix and stresscoat (the slimy aloe vera kind)and put her back in. Her skin is starting to flake a little like eczema, but I fed her grindals twice and she ate both times. She is swimming around alot, I know it is a stretch but I hope she is ok.

Crazy lady! :rolleyes:
Wow, I'm glad she's alive. One of my female bettas jumped out recently and she was found seven feet from her tank, unfortunately I found her a couple hours too late.
:good: OMG I hope she will be OK. I have only ever had one fish do that from my pond, cant remember what it was called I know they like a lot of room and are very sleek. We started it in tank indoors then it grew too big. I was going to give it to a friend who had a really big pond but it died. I just stood there shouting for husband I made him put it back in pond but it was to late.

Sure hope your fishy will be ok. Have you covered hole up somehow?
I think females recover from that sort of thing quicker than the males do. If she’s eating well she’ll most likely recuperate nicely. Give her a quick “eye exam” by getting her to chase something waved in front of her tank. Make sure she turns to look at it with the other eye when it changes direction.
Poor girl! =( Sounds like a rough jump. After Maui jumped and passed away, I'm kind of neurotic about covering any opening in any tank. I hope she recovers, she sounds like a champ!

I love your sig, TimCAD! ^_^ I toootally feel ya.
Good luck with her, sounds like you've done all you could and found her just in time.

I had 2 jumpers, well not jumpers but juvies that I didn't realise were too small and they slipped through the drain holes in the beanies on my barracks :-( I know do slits instead of drilled holes. The first one was dry and dead but the second one although dry was alive and started swimming as soon as i put her back in water and grew up to be a gorgeous marble girl :D
:crazy: Silly girl!! (Her not you. :p ) Do hope she's ok. That she is eating is a good sign. :good:
A couple of my betta tanks have gaps they could probably get through if determined but none have ever tried. Ollie used to have a wire mesh lid that sort of sat on the top of his tank for a long time. He has a proper lid now but he's never jumped. None of them have. Happily!! It's scary when fish do jump though. Had a harlequin do so on me when I was trying to move her to another tank last week. Picked her up immediately but she was covered in fluff. :rolleyes: She is fine. And the worst was my large Syno angelicus who panicked upon being moved and leapt into an internal jewel filter. I found him with his tail sticking out. That was a good 8 months ago and now lives in a large tank and is growing far too quickly. :wub:
Thanks guys! Its scary to hear how many jumpers there are!

Good news, this morning she looks really good (well her skin and fins still look horrible, mainly on one side which makes me think she laid other side down for awhile) but she is happily swimming about, coming up to me nicely and happily blowing bubbles.

I should have known she would jump, if anyone would...she used to swim into the filter of one tank with an enclosed hood, and let it push her back out :lol:
well in the wild its what these fish are designed to do. they live in small holes in the ground and when they start to dry out or lose th O2 level the only thing they can do is try to get to another hole close by to get to freasher water.
check the O2 level in your tank it may be a bit low if yo have no airstone or plants
Hi, it has an UGF with its own pump so there is PLENTY of air, specially for a lonely betta, but thanks for the tip:)
She is sooo much better today, and acting very happy and friendly:)

Her skin is nearly normal now, all her color is back. Just the ends of her caudal and anal are pretty nasty, but I assume they will crow back some. Her dorsal is fine!

She is having fun chasing grindals around right now :hey:
I had the same thing happen to one of my female bettas one time. When I found her she was completely dried out and "crispy" looking. I'm not sure how long she had been out, but I thought that she would not survive. She was so dried out that she could not swim very well so I place her in very shallow water (so she could reach the surface easily) until she regained her strength. She survived this incident, but her scales and fins were "deformed" afterwards.

I'm glad your betta is doing better!!! :nod:
I didn't want to post before she was on the mend, but so glad to hear she's doing well :wub:

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