BWs, MWs, BBS, VEs

Danno said:
I herd that micro worms grow alot with alot of starchy food. :nod:
Well micros eat of the oatmeal or the brerad so its not much food.. :)
iv done quite a bit of research on mw's and i just got a culture from joker. iv heard that cooked oatmeal is the best and thats what im useing. iv had the culture for 2 days and they are alredy climbing the sides of their bucket. i added yeast on top and also a little bit of flour which i was told on another site worked good to help soak up the extra moisture from the oatmeal and the worms love it.
Do you think you could add a How-to-Culture of adult brine shrimp, i get the hatchery...but how do you keep the adults alive?
just buy the adult brine shrimp frozen, its to big of a hassle to even try raiseing those things, the only thing they are good for is feeding to baby fish when they are young.
Raven and I don't feed our bettas frozen or freeze dried foods. Raven just keep buying the adults from the LFS, look online for a hatchery plan you're a smart girl go figure it out.
My fish refuse to eat the frozen BloodWorms and I was told the freeze-dried ones weren't very good for them.

Where can you buy live bloodworms? I saw some at the tackle shop, but they came in 2 sizes..large and medium.

How would you keep them alive, a tank with air?
Oh awesome, someone finaly put up a BBS culture, too bad it was after i did my own research. I'm sure Raven will thank you also. :( Anyway, awesome, great reference page.
Out of interest if you culture your own do you freeze them?
And if anyone wants me to post a method of culturing waxworms I'd be happy to. :) PM me if you want me to post that, I won't remember otherwise.
Just a heads up on grindal cultures ,white worms & spring tails (all cultured the same as grindals). I've been feeding mine softened rabbit food for a little over a month now and it seems that they reproduce three times faster than usual. So you guys might want to try that :thumbs:
No promises of the same results. I have an -oh so picky bunny- and I use top of the line rabbit pellets so maybe that's why I've seen such an incredible difference.

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