Jumper Dried Out

I bet that girl's guardian angel got a real work out on that incident. Glad to hear she's ok. Like some of the other posters, I didn't know they could survive anything like that but these fish are full of surprises aren't they? :D
I'm just going to update this since I see there was another jumper on a different thread today:

She looks great today!n All the crispy edges of her fins 'fell off' and she looks really good now, at least alive and healthy, albeit with kinda funky fins, I am sure they wil grow back the damage is not as bad as with some spawners, even. :drool:
well in the wild its what these fish are designed to do. they live in small holes in the ground and when they start to dry out or lose th O2 level the only thing they can do is try to get to another hole close by to get to freasher water.
check the O2 level in your tank it may be a bit low if yo have no airstone or plants

umm.. screw the O2 bs. they are labrynth fishes and will not require dissolved oxygen. Thets why its not reccomended to ship bettas in breahter bags because you dont put and airspace.

Hopefully, my marble delta and my crowntail females don't try to jump!
Meepster is right. Bettas rely primarily on their labyrinth organ to breathe, and no matter how much oxygen is present in the water, can actually drown without surface access. Ever seen what they do if they think they can't reach the surface? One of mine got "trapped" in a glass jar underwater for all of 3 seconds once and she nearly had a heart attack, and there was a bubbler in the tank at the time :rolleyes:

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