Jtnova's Marine Journal (Rip!)

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Some Photosynthetic clams can be kept with SPS corals without creating clam feeding head-aches, but many are filter feeders mainly ;)
hmmmm, well clam may be put on hold then :) both are really good looking though.. i guess i will decide when the time comes!

Any advice on the RO questions i had?
Sorry about the delayed response, been on Holiday. Yes, a washing machine Y connector on that cold pipe is what you want. Connect the tap to one arm of the Y, the RO to the other and then use a ball valve to turn the RO on/off :good: For the waste, I'd probably go into the U bend with a self-tapping fitting, and again use a ball-valve to turn that on/off to protect the RO unit when not in use. I think that's all your RO questions answered...

THanks rabbut, I actually have 3/8" service under my sink, so I had to find a different solution.

Home depot sells a 3/8" to 3/8" and 1/4" tee so I just hooked it up that way.

Getting my LR tomorrow!
Ah, progress. Bet you are excited about getting your, erm, rocks :p Makes you wonder if us reef-keepers need to get out more doesn't it :lol:
haha the gf said the exact same thing...

i've never seen someone so excited over rocks.

Tank stats are:

nitrate: ~1ppm
SG: 1.023
temp: 77F
phosphate: 0ppm

do i need to buffer ph before putting the rock in? or will it buffer once it is put in? I am leaning towards bare bottom, so no aragonite to help with ph.
Do notbother with any buffer until you are finished with the cycling and have a few weeks worth of stats. The pH and Alk can change throughout cycling.

Don't worry, it will settle down as the tank matures, you may need to buffer later, but not yet.
What salt are you using? If the pH is too low before you add rock, you likely have a poor salt brand/dodgy bucket... Do you have stats for Ammonia, Nitrate? The SG could do with being higher for a reef tank, but will be fine for fish only systems :nod:
Though one thing I didn't spot on the proof read was that I've asked the OP for a Nitrate reading, when he's posted it already... I actually meant to ask for Nitrite...

What source water are you using? Own RO, Shop's RO, Tap Water? Does your Nitrate appear before or after mixing in the salt?

All the best

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