
Thanks for your kind comments! have another aquascape im working on at the mo! A 120cm tank and am keen to try something tiny! cant resist heres a scape i did recently that has now been striped down -


:blush: Thanks RadaR!!! :hyper:

Unfortunatley by my own admission i didnt quite have the skills/time to keep it looking that way. The pruning of such a tank is an art in itself. With just a little neglect those long stemmed plants soon cut out the light to the foreground. The same tank now has a hairgrass/HC scape which ill show off (no doubt) when im happy with it!

Thanks for the compliment (well chuffed)
That tank was stunning mate, and I hate saying 'stunning' as its to over used. However it couldn't fit better for that tank.

I just looked through you post from start to now and it is inspiring to see that progression. I hope I am able to accomplish something like that ok 1/3 of it fine 1/10 of how great yours looks. well done cheers

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