
Looks much better now you've trimmed!

Not sure about the background though. It looks bigger without it? But as kuhni said, the black background does enhance the colours.

Thanks for the interest Radar !!

Sorry ive been a bit slow on the input lateley (other commitments youll understand) Tanks going Ok. kinda went through a stage of Neglect where i didnt find time to trim the plants back resulting in the light getting blocked out from the foreground. As a result my glosso all started growing up, I put up with it for a while but recently ripped it all out. Thinking of trying a HC carpet. Went away for a few days to return to find my Bottle had run out and the Ph was way high. My crypto's didnt appreicate that too much and are now looking a bit sorry for themselves. Still looks good but time for a few changes I feel. My echinodorus has grown to huge and although im reluctant to remove such a beautiful plant it really has got a little to big (seems a shame to cut off healthy leaves). My biggest concern at the mo is I cant seem to get my ph down! its currently at 7.4 Which I know is ok but my Kh is 6 giving me too low a Co2 level. I can get the ph down by really upping the bubble rate (currently about 3 bps) but at that rate I get through 500grm bottles 1 a fortnight! Ive always felt i get through the bottles far too quickly, dont know what anyone else thinks? Have recently switched over to a reactor in an effort to save on gas but it will only take 3bps before gas escapes!!! So im at a bit of dead end right now Tank looks ok but isnt really flourishing like it was!
Will post new pic soon

on a different note i just got a Aquacube 25 and am looking forward to doing a rockscape and carpet (watching george closeley! :)
Hey, didnt reply due to not knowing what the problem could be but ive had a think on it.
You checked for leaks on your CO2 system? Is there anything in your tank that could be buffering the pH or KH?
PM George and tell him the situation.
Im a bit confused about your situation. I've never had enough money to do pressurised, but 1 bottle a fortnight does sounds rather alot.
You checked for leaks on your CO2 system?

Just have to wait for more experienced people to drop in...
Ive checked for leaks and hardly have any surface agetation! by the way sorry i misssed you the other day Nathan!
well I think its time for a change! my tank is looking a little tired. The pic below shows it in its overgrown state, I think ill give it a good trim back and then have a good long think about what to do next. Time to try something different perhaps? Right now my Echinodorus is sending up a flower so ill wait to see what happens there and i just got hold of the Mortenthaleri pencils ive been after for sooo long!


I will miss the diary, it is a lovely tank those fish are great the males will colour up more when they settle, beautiful little guys and an excellent pic they are quite fast moving, I always have a look at them in the LFS am tempted but don’t want to overstock. The sword is massive, they can get too big, still it’s beautiful.
Lovely tank and fish :) I'm sad to know that there won't be any new updates on this tank, but I'm also excited to see what scape you'll come up with next.

Don't forget to put your tank profile in the Member's Planted Tank page!!! (if you haven't already).

I agree, it should have a profile. Great job!

llj :)

Thanks for your comments ! the tank is now in the members planted tank section as suggested!
Well the news is I never did get round to stripping this tank down and starting again! however it has kind of evolved since its creation and recently took quite a nice direction i feel worthy of posting some more pictures! The Glossostigma foreground is far far in the past now and as an attempt to keep the tank looking nice I decided one evening to tie some riccia to stones to fill out the foreground Which it did in no time at all. In fact it got to a depth of about 20cm before just the other morning i woke to find almost half of it floating on the surface (as you do). I was planning to simply re tie some and start again however i decided to try and use the space in the riccia to create a little more depth by adding a path of silver sand disappearing into the background and hey presto im quite pleased with how it turned out!! So here it is same tank just a few changes!!


Aw, it's great to see the tank again. It certainly has changed. It looks very lush. I love the little sand path, adds great depth.

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