

Fish Fanatic
Jul 11, 2006
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Hi all!

Just thought i'd post a couple of pics of my new tank and try and get some feedback/advice. This is my first 'Proper' planted tank so any comments are most welcome! for your information water parameters are Ph 6.78, KH2, GH 10 . I did add some bi carb to get the KH up to 2 ( I filled with mainly RO) but got a bit scared as my GH rose to 10 a bit higher then i'd like it! Ph is very stable though so much so that Co2 Doesnt switch on very often (using a ph controller) when I started out i though that Co2 would dose all day but it seems to just switch on and off maintaining Ph Which i apprecite is the point of a Ph controller but are my plants getting enough Co2? , Im yet to confirm Co2 levels with a reliable test kit but the plants do seem to be responding well to what im doing although ive planted undemanding species for starters ( Can anyone recommend a good Co2 test kit?). I know The layout is not excactly 'Wabi Sabi/Nature aquarium' PERFECT but hey its my first try and im only 10 days in. Just sourced some Dwarf Sagittaria so i'll plant that in the next day or two.The tank is still cycling (I have introduced 10 Cardinia Japonica) so I havent started using liquid fertiliser yet! am planning to use Tropica Plant Nutrition +. Anyone using an Eheim liquidoser? Like i said all comments welcome.




Excellent mate, good job.


love the left hand side, anubias and what is the large stem plant behind, rotala sp?

Not too sure about the java fern so high in the branch.... maybe something to think about ?

A crypt of some sort would be nice also at the base of the wood, like where the hair grass is!

Keep us updated.

v impressed.

Looks really good, impressive. What size is the tank?

Thanks ! the tank is 24"x 18" x 20" (30 gall)

Excellent mate, good job.


love the left hand side, anubias and what is the large stem plant behind, rotala sp?

Not too sure about the java fern so high in the branch.... maybe something to think about ?

A crypt of some sort would be nice also at the base of the wood, like where the hair grass is!

Keep us updated.

v impressed.


Thanks! the plant is nomaphila stricta (hygrophilia coymbosa?) or did you mean the rotala willichi? .yeah your not the first one to mention the java fern i think it has to go! still working on the foreground I intend on planting in front of the wood with some foreground plant to loose the wood a little!

p.s im lovin your tank and cab design!
Wooooooaaaaaahhhhhhhh. Looks great. And uve also got the branchy wood i want oooohhh lol. Where'sd you get your wood from(if you are in the UK) ?

PM recieved regarding the matter.
Promising start planter, well done.

With KH 2 and pH 6.8 your CO2 is lower than I would recommend i.e. 10.6ppm. This explains why your system doesn't swtich on a lot. Aim for 25 to 35ppm.

All you should really need to test for CO2 is a KH kit as your pH controller obviously gives your pH level. Cross refer these on a table like this -

The Nutrafin KH kits are good IME. Each drop of reagent is 10ppm unlike most kits where each drop is 1dH (17.9ppm). The Nutrafin low-range pH kits are cheap and reliable too if you want a back up to your pH controller.

Aquascape wise Chris makes some good points. The fern is too high, try moving down and off-center a little more.

Is that glosso in the foreground? You need to cut the runners into individual plantlets and plant these with tweezers. Anticipate the plantlets floating to the surface occasionally, just keep re-planting until their roots take hold. With decent light, CO2 you'll get a carpet in 3 or so weeks.
Hey thanks for all your replies!

I wondered GF if adding bi carb would effect the accuracy of the chart you directed me to. If not would simply setting my ph controller to 6.4 bring my co2 up to 26.5? I have no fish at present so do not have to worry about stress caused by the slight change in ph ( will my shrimp's be ok with this?) and im guessing that my plants will be ok with this change as ph dose tend to swing throughout a regular 24 hour period anyway. The glossostigma in the foreground has proved tricky to plant (i must get some tweezers) but i think it started to grow ill ctry cutting in to individual plants and planting as you suggested.. thanks!


Hey wow, that looks really good! Can I just ask, what substrate are you using? It looks like the stuff I just bought. Just curious. But great job! It looks wonderful!
Excellent tank! The kjava fern would be nicer if it was lower down though.

hey, where did you get that dwarf anubias from? It looks in good condition and is nice.

Is that glosso in the foreground? You need to cut the runners into individual plantlets and plant these with tweezers

HEHE...thats the EXACT same mistake i did when i first started planting glosso in my old aquascape.

If you plow through the pages of my old journal (link in signature) then u will see good advice with pictures of planting glosso correctly. Its pretty obvious once you realise, but its worth taking a look.


.......adding bi carb would effect the accuracy of the chart you directed me to. If not would simply setting my ph controller to 6.4 bring my co2 up to 26.5?
pH and KH are intrinsically linked. Bi-carb boosts pH and KH and so this is accounted for in the table. The table is not rigidly accurate as it doesn't take into account other influencing factors but as a guide it is very helpful.

To answer your question then reducing your pH to 6.4 is a good idea and you will get better growth, less algae. As you mention pH swing won't be an issue.
Yeh nice tank :) but would add to the comments about the java fern, a bit to high. Love the wood BTW :)

What about something mid height on the right below the other plant?


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