Gotta love those Corys. How's the fish room coming, Barracuda?
Thanks for the camera nagging, Frank. I am loving it. Although it bogs my computers down!
Another string of shots:
A new C. simulatus just in from Bryan Epstein resting and grazing
What's this? Is something in the moss?
I'll have to get closer
Closer still
"Mmmm! It's comfy here: Nice and quiet and safe."
"Mmmm! Good green stuff is nice to graze too."
"What's that light flashing? Am I in danger?"
"Drama! Drama! Drama!"
One of the pics untouched up, because my PC froze up in mid crop.
I saw one of these new juvie simulatus trying to get cozy with the Mama C. simulatus I have from Chas. Epperson.
The future of a line (not great shots of her, if it is the her

) resting under a mossy wood with a mate.