Jollysue's Camera Thread

My panda fry in a breeding net with moss and algae--talk about algae eaters by the way!





:wub: :wub: :wub: :wub:

C. julii variant hiding

more to come.....
I know all the baby fish is cute. But I think the baby Panda is one of the cutest. :wub: Maybe I am little biased but maybe because they develop the adult coloration so early while they are still the ittsy bittsy size. And I can recognize them when they start to have their eye mask. Instead of most of the fry with spotty fry color. I wonder how the other masked pretty clean Corydoras like C.Duplicareus, Adolphi or Oiapoquensis fry color develop.
I am sure some site may have picture but maybe I can experience in first hand some day. I think my C.Duplicareus is getting close. Since the move, they have been dancing non-stop. And turned out to be the tank wasn't slow leaking but it seems water gathered from the splash of the power head outlet.

Anyway, cute fish, jollysue.
Yes, I am still hoping for fry from the dulicarus, too. I might still find some in the mess of moss and algae, but I am loosing immediate hope. I know t5hey have spawned and I have collected eggs, but so far I have not discovered any fry. Now the C. Weitzmani are dancing with the C. panda, duplicarus, gossei crowd in the tank with the Super schwartzi. They even got the schwartzi to dance for a day or two. lol
Very nice pictures, Sue. I have always liked C. panda. I need to get some of those too, along with about 20 other species :lol:
Gotta love those Corys. How's the fish room coming, Barracuda?

Thanks for the camera nagging, Frank. I am loving it. Although it bogs my computers down!

Another string of shots:
A new C. simulatus just in from Bryan Epstein resting and grazing

What's this? Is something in the moss?

I'll have to get closer

Closer still

"Mmmm! It's comfy here: Nice and quiet and safe."

"Mmmm! Good green stuff is nice to graze too."

"What's that light flashing? Am I in danger?"

"Drama! Drama! Drama!"

One of the pics untouched up, because my PC froze up in mid crop.

I saw one of these new juvie simulatus trying to get cozy with the Mama C. simulatus I have from Chas. Epperson.

The future of a line (not great shots of her, if it is the her :blush: ) resting under a mossy wood with a mate.

That first cory looks blue. Is is really blue? That looks really cool!
The julii is really pretty. I love those little round faces and all those spots.
I am really glad you got the new camera. You are posting more pics now. I love that! keep them coming!
Did you see the panda fry, ICG?

The simulatus is a blue black. Although the ones I already have are brown tan. They have a reticulated coloring on the side, which gives the new ones the bluish I guess.

I just came from seeing that mama dashing around trying to place her eggs with her lover chasing her and rubbing her head. She is in a frantic chase and he is right on her heels.

The little fella with the simulatus adult is a caudamaculatus. The julii is on the 1st page.
The julii on the first page is the one I was talking about. The pandas kind of blend with the net except for the black. Once I finally saw them... they are cute.
The spotted one on this page is pretty too.
Are the simulatus usually blue or brown? I really like the blue. I am planning a cichlid tank just so I can have some blue fish. Will these stay blue, or will they turn brown later?
What is reticulated? :blush:

Have you started packing yet?
I have so many things I am trying to get done right now that I have forgotten which way is up! I spent all day today varnishing the desks that I built. Now my head hurts. I hope to get that finished in the morning so I can move on to something else. I have started having to make notes to remind myself of what all I need to get done each day. My to do list is 5 pages long and getting longer. I am trying to finish up the things that I have already started so I can get started on my tank stands.
Do you have stands and everything worked out for your new fish room? Have you plotted where everything is going?
Nope! Still winging it.

I got 2 of the simulatus eggs. I will have to search for more by moving things, Her eggs are very small pearls.

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