Join The Oscar Club, Its Just For Fun

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OK!.....The lady that used to give us a batch of eggs every (at least) 2nd week at the pub aquarium...... somewhere on this thread there are photos....... went & got herself eggbound......

At this stage,.... it looks almost like dropsy, and she is deteriorating fast......I have never seen a cure for it, & I suggested to the restaurant owner...... (as long as I'm not involved).... I dunno how the best way of doing.... but.... it has to be done...... She is verrrrry uncomfortable, & we have no choice.... sad as it is.
Oh no, poor girl, for a fish that size, there is probably only one humane way of doing it, unpleasant as it may be, a sharp heavy blow to the skull or swift definate cut off the head. The only thing I can think of that may help is an epsom salt bath, but I dont know the dose amounts, it may help but if she is that bad, probably kinda to just let her go. :(
I feel all sheepish introducing myself now after that bad news... :sad:

Just want to say hello. I have been reading this whole thread from post 1 for the last few nights gathering information about Oscars and you guys. It has been both interesting and kinda overwhealming.

I have been researching Oscars for a few months now. We had one as a family pet almost 20 years ago, and when he died (11 inches long and 3 yrs old) My mum sold the fish tank and never kept fish again. I've always liked fish and have only just got back into keeping them this year.

Amazing how therapeautic they are.

I currently have my red devil, evil little critter he is, various gold fish, siamease fighters, and breeding guppies to feed to the devil.

This week I set up my oscar tank, today I got my babies. 2 Albino and 3 Tigers.

Piccies of the guys to follow tomorrow when I get the camera out. I'm totally in love with the albinos, fiesty blighters they are.

so guess thats my quickie hello....... hello oscar club.. can I have a number pretty please.
Hi Tricia, welcome to the Oscar Club, will find your number for you in a minute (need to read back thru the thread to find the next available number)

Nice to see someone reading thru the thread from start to finish :) Hopefully its already provided you with a lot of valuable information. Im hoping enough to know that you need a mahooosive tank for all those Oscars, great filtration and plenty of water changes to keep them in tip top condition.

So I hope your going to tell us the size of tank you have set up for them? Also hoping it was cycled properly prior to adding them? Im guessing, correct me if Im wrong, that you are trying to get a pair from the group, then will be re-homing the others?

We love piccies here, so looking forward to seeing some of the new babies :D

<1> nelly
<2> sheilaf
<3> shelaghfishface
<4> peter22uk
<5> minxfishy
<6> remz
<7> dave ehl
<8> spishkey
<9> spesh
<10> guinness
<11> tobigara
<12> ludwig venter
<13> gfaduck
<14> kris 1978
<15> ren&stumpy
<16> joshrm115
<18> crazy4fish
<19> simonas
<20> thedood326
<21> tonyp5467
<22> deb53cl
<23> 5teve-o
<24> xenosis
<25> bolty
<26> lokemer
<27> gregkarr09
<28> chefjamescott
<29> the captain
<30> koningwolf
<31> glolite
<32> indigoj
<33> momo33........................................................ now show us the pics!!
<34> forby3
<35> Naughty T
<36>moonmang unless i missed something
<37> Xenon Junkie
<38> Tricia73au

Which gives you number 38 Tricia :)
Thanks for the welcome minxfishy

It was cycled for 5 days before today, all the tests were perfect yesterday so figured today would be ok to pick up the fish. not sure on the brand of filter it is, but it cycles the whole tank 5 times a hour. The tank is 6 x 2.5 x 2.5 feet.

Yes hoping for a pair for me. I'm actually hoping on keeping them all if they tank well together, obviously in a much larger tank at full size, or re-introducing my mother to oscars.

Honestly dont know if I could rehome outside my home. I would just find room for another tank and keep them all.
Newbie here, recently gotten back into keeping fish. Just had to say I love this thread. I had an Oscar about 15 years ago ("Nelson" - after Lord Adm Nelson of course) and he was quite the character. Since he died I've shied from Oscars - they also as you know are a bit messy, and after marriage, grad school, and small kids it seemed a hassle to keep them. Right now I do not have a tank for one (my 55 and 29 gallon tanks are occupied and obviously not long term solutions), but biding my time to get a larger tank to get back into the Oscar world. This thread is keeping me motivated! So, hopefully it's ok if I live vicariously through you guys for now. :drool:
Thanks for the welcome minxfishy

It was cycled for 5 days before today, all the tests were perfect yesterday so figured today would be ok to pick up the fish. not sure on the brand of filter it is, but it cycles the whole tank 5 times a hour. The tank is 6 x 2.5 x 2.5 feet.

Yes hoping for a pair for me. I'm actually hoping on keeping them all if they tank well together, obviously in a much larger tank at full size, or re-introducing my mother to oscars.

Honestly dont know if I could rehome outside my home. I would just find room for another tank and keep them all.

at the risk of sounding like a right cow.. here i go.
it takes weeks to cycle a fish tank,for any fish,and although oscars seem to be tough, they infact as susceptable to poor water quality as any other fish,
what you have done is "just add a filter" which we all have, but still had to go thru cycling the tank, this involves keeping ammonia, nitrate and nitrite to acceptable levels, which with 5 oscars you are going to find almost impossible to do ...when you say that your filter "cycles" your tank water 5 times an hour,what you actually mean is that it has a turn over of 5 times, which just means that the contents of the tank run thru it at that rate,
is there a chance you could take the fish back to where you bought them from so that you can get on and cycle the tank ? i hate to have to say it,but if you try to do a fish-in cycle you will almost certainly lose some if not all of them to the ammonia,what you would have to do is test the water maybe 3/4 times a day and do huge water changes accordingly.. on a 6ft tank i wouldnt fancy that one bit :/
please dont think im getting at you, but its going to be hard work for you and may mean death for those beautiful oscars,they are such huge waste producers ( sourse of ammonia) that i would be looking at adding at least 5 times more turnover by means of an FX5 or similar filter, but still you would need to stay on top of the water changes :(

fish waste=ammonia >nitrite>nitrate ..( nitrite is the less toxic in the cycle, but still toxic at very high levels)

you will need to arm yourself with a good quality water testing kit =API freshwater master testing kit.and like i said test frequently thru the day for the next 4-5 weeks :/ and water change.

i hope you do get a pair out of them, but in the mean time especially as you are going to have water quality issues, you need to watch for signs of aggression,5 oscars in a 6ft tank wont last peacefully for long before all hell breaks loose.

right thats enough for now, im not trying to put you off or disrespect your methods, things have changed since you last kept one..for the better as far as fish are concerned. your very welcome to the oscar club and we are always willing to help and give advice on these beautiful fish, but sadly we cant come round and change the water for you :lol: but for anything else, you can give us a shout :) and im looking forward to the pics ( if you decide not to return them)

shelagh xxx

welcome to you too chilly willy :) i hope we can help keep you motivated :)
Second what Shelagh says, you are going to need to either return the O's and do a fishless cycle (links for this are in the new to the hobby section of the forum) or you will find yourself doing minimum2 x 50% water changes and I suspect with them being O's who are an extremely messy fish, you could be doing 5x 50% daily, to keep the levels of ammonia or nitrIte down.

Now of course if you have an already established tank/filter, you could use some of the media from that filter to help kick start the cycle but I doubt it will be enough for 5 O's.

Have a read thru the links in the new to the hobby section regarding fishless cycling and fish in cycling and gain as much information as you can from those, there are plenty of us here to help you thru the cycle, which ever you way to decide to proceed, but fishless is best as it will mean those O's wont go thru ammonia and nitrIte poisoning, which can be deadly at worst and shorten their lifespan and affect their health longterm at best.
I've really tried my utmost to get them to breed, feeding them expensive foods and regular water changes and delaying the handover (to Tony) and what is the thanks I get..... They go and damnwill breed in his tank (3 days after handing them over) pics below!!....





One Convict moving on thin Ice

One lonely female seperated from her Family.

I have so many posts that I owe a reply to regarding these two, I appologize for the repetition, but I'm soooooo excited

At last... Paging through about 20 pages....I found her guarding her eggs.....Now this is the one that will be euthanazed during this week.... really sad to see her current state... I wonder what causes them to become "eggbound"??
OMG Minx you're having us on you've swapped him for a bigger one!


He's looking fab :)
LOL, you'd think so wouldnt you, but no, same wee little chap from a few weeks back, I swear, everyday I look in the tank and he's grown more, sooner or later he has to slow down........I hope :crazy:
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