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my pair of 9inches

Oi shane you kept that hush about getting them :blink:
I got these guys as a "SPUR OF THE MOMENT" Kind'A thing, they are both 9inches, put the tape to them out of the water when putting them in the tank, they was in a 3x1x1'ish with a Gibby the same size as the Oscars and there was also an Arowana in with them with one eye.

now they are loving it in a 120G :good:
lokemer they are still small and still settling, give them time :)

do you have names for them yet?
my oscar fish has still not become unshy and it has been almost a week.
does he come out at feeding time. what tankmates does he have?
a week really isnt a long time dont worry :)
he comes out yeh, but then he goes straight to his corner.
He has a small goldfish in there that i used to cycle the tank.
I think he is trying to eat it because it is missing fins
for goodness sake, course hes trying to eat it,, get the GF out and rehomed :(

why did u use goldfish anyway, they are just as susceptible to ammonia and nitrite as other fish :(.. fishless cycles or cloning is the way to go, not harming fish cos u have no paitence
Ive never cycled such a big tank before. Ive never used a canister filter, and i doubt my little 40 litre or 30 litre tanks media would help much at all.
I cant buy pure ammonia in Australia because people make bombs with it, trust me ive tried to get my hands on it.
In australia its the only option to cycling a tank. I had 4 feeder fish in there, then i removed 3 and there in a pond outside
Its not a matter of paticience, its a matter of not being able to do fishless cycle's in australia.
I just used 4 simple feeder fish's, They were guna get fed alive to something, so i don't see the difference for me using them and then putting 3 of them in a pond outside once im finished with them...
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