Join The Oscar Club, Its Just For Fun

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been a while since added any of my O's they have grown nicely since the last images, taken whilst i was doing a water change so dont panic about the level of the water in some pics :lol:

they both measure 7" roughly (fish dont stay still long enough)


Nero and my largest severum (5")






"whats this thing?"



so i rehomed all my oscars

this may sound bad but they were not my purchases but they came as rehomes so I really had no attachment to them

I was at the store getting some crickets the other night and saw the one i just bought

I took some pics of it and have them on my camera will download them later as my camera is at home

It is an albino long fin, I really dont know much about oscars but it struck me that long fin albino oscars are not that common so I had to buy him.

He is in my macaw cichlid grow out tank so if he eats a few tank mates no big deal will post pics of him later
ok so i got to loading the pics off of my camera

as i said this fish looked to be a long fin albino oscar as his fins were way longer than his two tank mates and he showed some real curious nature when i was debating buying him so here he is


i was gonna put him in my knife tank with the guppies but the knives have almost doubled in size so i thought they woudl eat him

here he is in the grow tank



so is he what i think he is long fin

please dont mind the mess i found out that cats will throw around open fish food containers
where you going to keep him like?? he wont stay small for long ;)

well at the restaurant we have 55g, 2 75g, 45g corner, 100g , 140g, 180g :rolleyes:

but next weekend I am doing a road trip to calgary to pick up 2x 180g, 230g, 330g and will be changing out the smaller tanks here for them, we are going to turn my restaurant into a show room for our fish business :hyper:

I have never seen a oscar with such long fins thats the one reason I bought him
dont be too optimistic, he may 'grow into' his fins yet! fingers crossed he doesnt though. stunning little thing
so its a classic case of a fish catching a person

last night I was getting some filter stuff so I can set up my 150 here and I happen to look over and this little guy bit my attention and would not let go

so after a short talk it was decided that they would come live at the restaurant


so its a classic case of a fish catching a person

last night I was getting some filter stuff so I can set up my 150 here and I happen to look over and this little guy bit my attention and would not let go

so after a short talk it was decided that they would come live at the restaurant


Awesome pick :hyper:
hia spish, im fine been busy moving house etc, im no longer jambo`s mum :( he was rehomed as i couldnt bear the thought of moving him incase anything went wrong , yes i regrette it but such is life........

he looks like pumba when he was teeny awwwwwwwww
aw shelagh chick, thats sad to hear. do you have no oscars left then?
i have to move my two in 8 weeks im dreading it as its gonna be a tough move :( they'll be out of the tank for about 18hours. gonna be so hard along with moving 200+ other fish and three turtles :(
glad to see you back!
An update,

Nero is not doing too well at minute (lutino/Albino) hit the top of the tank last night with an almighty thud, think my plec startled him and he's showing signs of a head injury (brain) and also swim bladder issues is completely off food too.
awwwww :lol: they are sooooooooooo cute, they look teeny,:lol:


Don't know if the pics will work but this is one of my Oscars, can I join the Oscar Club?

I have what I hope is a pair (the lovely guy in the pics and a black tiger) they are both about 5/5.5 inches.

I also have 2 slightly smaller one albino and another black tiger who I fear are both males :(

what makes you think that they are both males? at that size they are only very young and without spawning or venting there isnt really any way to tell, so u never know ;)
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