Jen's 90 Gallon Tank

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Tanks looking great Jen :) like the new lily position, not sure about the vals on the right but you def need something in that location. And the pennywort (right species?) at the front looks great seems to be really healthy.

What about another splash of colour on the far right behind the crypts?

Thanks Sam. The foreground plant is Hydrocotyle Verticulata. I have so much of it that I need to rip it all out every couple of months and replant. It's a pain in the butt, and I'm thinking of pulling it alltogether and trying a short grassy plant - sag or something. Eventually, in that front right corner there will be some Rotala... the kind that gets the red tips. I can't remember the exact name, but I had it at one point. The tank was so densly planted it did't get any light and died. I hope with this new layout, and with the val gone things will get more light and grow better.
Yeh marsh pennywort, woohoo my plant ID is getting better! As for replacing it I would be careful with adding sags I did that to my nano and they had completely taken over within a month, I reckon sags are best for tanks that just have them for the ground plant, otherwise they take over and ruin the other plants anyway! Its also a complete pain removing individual plants as finding the attached runner cord can be more hassle than its worth!

Glad about the red rotala, it should be ideal :)

I've been feeling a slight lack of interest in my tank recently, and I don't know if it's a dislike of the layout, or something in my tank, or I'm just in a funk that I need to get out of. I'll take another picture tonight, but my hydro. verticulatta is getting out of control. It is loving the light it gets now out in the open, so it is very tall and bushy. I need to find an alternative. I was thinking a while back when I was first planning this of piling some rocks over on the left hand side and covering them in moss. Maybe I'll find a slow grower that only gets 2 inches or so, and scatter some rocks in there to break it up.

I know its hard without any reference, but if you have any suggestions, I'd love to hear them.
Thanks Sam. I'm anxious to get that Val out. I really want to get on to the next step in there.

I noticed a change in my 3 gold ancistrus' today. They are starting to get some red colouring on them. Still no bristles to speak of, but they are slowly getting bigger. I expected them to grow faster for some reason. The first picture I can find of them is from July 1st of last year, and I doubt if they are 1/2 inch longer. Here's a picture of their beautiful new colouring.


I also noticed some fungus on one of the rainbows mouths. White cottony stuff. I'll have to figure out what to use for that since my cousin has all my books. I'd love to hear what you guys have used.

I also got my glass coil diffusor a while back, and I love it. There are virtually no bubbles reaching the surface.

Hope you all are having a better week than I am.

Jen I have Gold LongFinned and the Male who has his Bristles gets Really Deep Red Coloring from time to time. Today he has a Wing Shaped red Shade on his Head.

PS Gorgeous tank, and so get the Funk Thing.
Found your thread by accident, I am new to planted tanks and am trying to heavily plant mine, I have a thread at the moment about rams eating my plants, I give more info there.
After looking at your pictures, I want to completely change my tank around but am trying to wait for answer to my thread first, could perhaps start it!!!

Look you have me at it now.

Absolutely stunning, would appreciate any advice on my thread.
Yeah happy bday. Looking forward to seeing an updated pic of the tank.

Doh me too! and I try and check the bday list everyday! Happy Birthday :)

Thanks guys!

I did have every intention of taking a pic last night, but by the time I got home from dinner and changed the water in the tank, the lights went out. They should be on in a few hours, so I'll get one in a bit.

I do like the idea of willow moss. My lfs never has any, so I might investigate some web stores and ebay/aquabid. It's just a softer looking moss.
All right. Here's the tank. I think it needs lots of work still. It's really messy, and I dont like the fast growing val. I do have a few bulbs of Crimium in there that are sprouting new leaves all the time. I'm going to head down to my lfs next week and see what they have in stock. I really think i need a good number of slow growers.

Like I said earlier, I'm not too happy with my h. verticulata - it's just growing way to fast, and needs too much maintenance and ripping it out and replanting. Just like glosso. It's just not having the effect I was originally going for. I think it's to tall.

Anyway. Here's the tank.

It looks healthy so I'd be happy with that mate.

From a design point of view, especially photography/potential contest entry, I would consider smaller leaf shapes. As you mention the H. verticulata a bit like glosso and the giant vallis could be mistaken for regular vallis. These create the illusion of a smaller tank.

I've recommended some vallis replacements previously i.e. slower growing crypts and Cyperus helferi. C. helferi in particular would look great I think due to its fine leaves and slow growing characteristics. Keep on top of ferts/CO2/light though as it can be an algae magnet.
Well, I like it Jen, perhaps the pennywort needs a trip ;) but the plants are certainly healthy and that's better than I often manage!

Sam, if it werent such a hassle to send outside canada you'd have the whole lot.

I think what I don't like about it is that is is growing so tall. Some of the stems are reaching 3 inches - probably more for some of them. When I initially got it, I was thinking it would make a cool patch of toadstools/mushrooms, like some enchanted forest. The fish could swim underneath it, and have a nice meadow look about it. But it just keeps growing, and looks so messy. This whole layout surrounded that meadow thought. A quiet area leading into the forest on the right.

You're right George... I need finer leaved plants in there. Unfortunately my lfs doesn't get a very wide selection of plants in. I should ask about special orders. Tropica plants are so expensive, but I think that's the route I'll have to take. I will read up on those plants you reccomended and see if I can find something I like. Any reccomendations on a new forground plant? I think you had mentioned a dwarf sag before, but I'm not sure. I was thinking a hairgrass. I'm looking for something that won't keep growing over itself once it runs out of room.
If you can get hold of it then Hemianthus callitrichoides (HC for short) is nice and relatively low maintenance. I believe it's expensive over there though. It has a really small leaf so would almost appear moss-like in your size tank.

Another possibilty is Pogostemon helferi commonly known as 'Downoi'. This has a really intersting leaf shape.

Elatine tiandra is also popular but I've not heard too much on this myself.

Failing all these I think Echinodorus tenellus or Sagittaria platyphylla would look good. The tenellus is smaller and finer with the sag having brighter, greener leaves. Both will carpet like mad in your set-up though and will need regular thinning.

Eleocharis sp. (hairgrass) is another option but is notoriously hard to get started (although I've never had an problem personally with just 2wpg and DIY CO2). Even this will "grow over itself" if not kept in check.

Anyway, there's a few ideas for you.
Woops! I meant trim! :lol: but trip would be equally as good!

As to the foreground plants, if you ever find something that stops once its reached capacity, let me know! I've yet to find that 'magical plant'! :lol:


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