Jen's 90 Gallon Tank

Hi Jen,

I've just read through the whole thread, I love your tank. The new layout looks great. I wish I could get my Hydrocotyle to grow like yours! Mine went though a period of dying back, but hopefully seems to be growing again now.

Those are gorgeous Rainbows as well.
Thanks Andrew. I found that it took a while for my hydro to take off. I had it in my tank when I only had 1 wpg of light, and it didn't do much. In this tank with 2.5 it grows like a weed... which I love. As you can see, I planted each stem individually. I found that made a huge difference over planting it as a clump.
Hi Jen, the tank looks great and your new rainbows are beautiful!

Regarding the fungus -- my rainbows had that once or twice in the past. I added Melafix and it went away quickly.
Thanks SB!

I'm not getting any answer in the Plec. section. Is it normal for the plecs to go that colour? I think they are albino (red eyes), so I was a little shocked seeing the red.
Well, I bought some new fish today... 6 more black neons, and 2 more shrimp to add to the ones I got last week. Here is one of the ones I got last week... all comfortable and coloured up.


I still have plans in the tank to remove some plants. I've been waiting on someone to come and get them, but I haven't heard from them in ages, so I think I'm just going to do it anyway. I'me getting antsy with it being in this 'in-between' stage.
Your tank is really wonderful. I love the shrimp, great colour.
What kind of shrimp is that?

Ditto on that Sam! Jen, the tank looks super lovely! I like the new look a lot. Sorry about some of your fish loss, but perhaps with the rescaping, some didn't handle it so well. Fish are funny that way. Glad you kept the lotus, I would have been mad if that was gone, unless it happens to be one of the plants you're giving away.

llj :D
Thanks guys. The shrimp is a Bamboo/Wood/Banana Shrimp. It goes by a few names.

I haven't lost any fish for a while. That must have been an old post you were looking at.

That lotus isnt going anywhere. That is actually 4 plants bunched together. It's just such a pretty colour, I couldnt bring myself to get rid of it.
Yes I must say that is a very cool shrimpy and a very nice tank, and its nice to see a nother nuck on here hehe. Or I should say I am the other nuck as you were here long before me hehe.
Well, in 20 days, the tank has really taken shape. My lotus on the left is getting huge. The hydro. verticilatta is carpeting nicely. The val, as always is a jungle, but that will be thinned out very soon. New crypts are popping up all over the place. I'm relaly happy with how it's turning out. I still have a few minor changes to make, bu all in all, I think it's look great. Much different from my old layout, so much swimming room. It's nice to actually see my fish!

Here she is as of, oh, 5 minutes ago!


I have not posted on this thread before, but i should tell you that your tank in the Members planted section was a huge inspiration in getting me into the hobby.

This tank is no exception and looks to be really taking great shape.

You seriously have an original look to your designs. I have seen few so natural in feel. I imagine them being a representation of what a English river looks like in autumn.
LMAO, i`m sure the local Irwell river does not have guppies swimming about, neither does it grow giant vallis, but please nobody take the image away from me. I think its the brilliant browns and reds that gives me that illusion.

I am waffling! Great tank and good work friend. Keep it up and keep us updated.

Well, I don't know what to say Chris. :blush: I'm glad my labour of love has inspired that in someone else. It's very rewarding when you have influenced another through only photographs. I spent so long working out the details of this latest layout (we're talking 8 or 9 months from the first thought of doing it to actually getting in there and ripping up my previous 'work of art'). I was thinking I would be gutted doing it, but I just went in to do some pruning, and before I knew it, wood was out, plants were binned, and I had some very murky water.

I am glad people are liking this layout. I had so many wonderful comments about my last one, that I was afraid I wouldn't like this, and neither would people here. I guess it's just different.

I like your description of the river. I might even have to name it. I like the names that people are coming up with - fishkillernomore's Woodland Wings, and I forget the others. So maybe Autumn River, or Autumn something. It's my favourite season, so it would be only fitting.

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