Jen's 90 Gallon Tank

Hi Jen,

I really like the tank, can't say I saw it before but looks good now. It almost makes you want to climb in there too, nice and secluded away from the world.

Thanks guys. I took a full tank pic, but I had just a water change so all the plants were covered in too many bubbles. It looked pretty bad, so I will be taking a pic tonight when I get home from work and posting it.
This is one of the nicest "jungle" style layouts I've seen. Normally I'm more a fan of a tidier aquascape but the large variety of shapes, textures and colours really suits here. I think the large size of the tank helps, along with the variety of fish - lovely new additions too!

You have come along way Jen, it is rewarding to see progress on this level with a long-standing, loyal member such as yourself. Give yourself a pat on the back!

I look forward to seeing the latest full-tank shot.
I've gotta say George, I don't know where I would be if it hadn't been for all your help at the beginning. I'm sure you must have gotten fed up with all my questions and pm's. You deserve a huge pat on the back too... it's because of you that this looks so good. You and zig and jimboo - everyone who was there before me. I't such a big thing to dive into, but I wouldn't go back to plastic for anything. This just looks so much nicer.

I do think I am going to thin a few things out in there... The sword in the middle is squished behind the wood. I think I have 2 back there, so I will probably pull the older one out next water change; it's not doing that well.
Tank looks great Jen dont know how i missed the thread a week or so ago, nice sharp pic as well ;) i think you are right to thin out the plants at the back it looks a little squashed to me, but thats only a minor point and easy to correct, yes indeed a long way from the beginning of EI i would say its second nature to you now, anyway great job tank looks super.
Hi Jen
Just followed this thread all the way through.
I must say it is a spectacular tank….really amazing, and I love the gourami’s.
How much time do you spend on the tank a week?
New pictures! Hooray!

Santos, I really dont spend that much time on the tank. Every monday I do my 50% water change, and that takes about an hour and a half, but thats because I dont run the water on the syphon... i just start it off and let gravity do the rest. Every day I do about 5 minutess on the dosing.

So here is the full tank pic. I really like how the current makes all the plants sway to the left. I think it looks really natural like that.


Then here is one of my cute little plecs being a plec.

And lastly one of my black neons. I wish I had a few more of these guys. They are awesome.
Wow, the Java Moss makes the wood look really really nice. I can look at those pics for hours on end and drool :drool:
Yep. It's val. I have 2 kinds in there, val. spiralis, and val. gigantea. It was all planted in the top left corner, but the gigantea has really started to spread. I mentioned earlier that I am going to pull one of the swords there in the middle of the tank, and im thinking that I might fill the spot with some of the val that has crept over to the right. I have the current facing the left, so the val will have a nice swept over look to it.

I was watching my fish today, and noticed them picking at my moss. I'm really hoping it had just collected some food debris, and they weren't eating it.

Thanks for all the kinds words. It really helps to know that I'm moving in the right direction.
Hey all. A new picture.

I did some cleaning out in there, turfed a few plants, rearanged a few more, and added some new ones. The water is looking a bit hazy right now, and im not really sure why. I've got to figure that out before it gets to be a bigger problem.

Anywho. Here's the tank today.

Very, very nice! It's looking really great.
wow your tank looks great..things are looking nice and healthy in there..ive got a ways to go but i wont give up just yet :no:
looks sweeeeet..
Hows the water today Jen still cloudy?

Is the foreground plant Hygrocotyle verticillata? looks great,i want that plant, haven't come across it yet over here.

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