Jellybean Parrot Fish

Chelsea hun, ive been reading this thread since you first posted but not replying as i dont have any JB's and no experience of them. -_-

When you are new to fish keeping you are gonna make mistakes and sometimes they will cause the veterans to bang their heads against the walls but you can learn from your mistakes and soon you'll be banging your head when people make the mistakes that you made when you were a newbie.

Please try to find an alternative arrangement for your male if you can, surely he can hardly move in that breeder trap? They are designed for tiny livebearers like guppies and platies not JBs which can get huge! Surely its not worth losing your male who you may have had for ages just for the sake of some tiny fry which there will be more of! Ok you can bite my head off now :X
You're keeping a jellybean parrot in a breeding trap?

I'm about ready to give up on this topic

Agree Van, it's time, ...ready set.... go.... give up! (Quite unproductive) Hey, can anyone close this topic?
Squabbles 'bout nothing'. Good advise "T" as always. Everyone let this rest.

I would like to have a REAL Hybrid topic again. Van & "T', and others, of course I'd like to see some updates on your fish. Good stuff IMO) I wish we could start a hybrid fish (pic only)topic/forum. I think it's great to inform others (through pictures, experience, etc.) how fish of similar families, generic's can produce a real happy great looking fish. Just remember "Sometimes saying nothing, has the most impact". :good:
Just had to put in the pic LMAO.

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