I think if you read up a bit I offered a suggestion as for how you should proceed.
Wait for both nitrite and* ammonia to get close to zero before you add any more ammonia and also reduce the amount by 1/4 at least. Shoot for 3 ppm not 4 or 5.
I am a bit nervous when your report 1 ppm of ammonia and only .5 of nitrite. Pretty much nitrite should usually be higher than ammonia during cycling once the ammonia starts to drop. The ammonia bacs grow faster than the nitrite bacs and then, on paper, 1 ppm of ammonia turns to 2.5 ppm of nitrite using hobby kits. So in this case I think it is prudent to wait for both numbers to be at or very close to 0 before you add more ammonia. I would also suggest that once they get there, before you add the next ammonia dose that you first do about a 25% water change. it wont slow the cycle and it will replenish anything used up so far - i.e things that hold KH and pH up etc. Just bear in mind that dechlor contaning ammonia detixifiers can affect ammonia results. This effect tends to be gone within a day or two. Dechlor the new water before adding it as this minimizes the effects of any ammonia detoxifiers on the whole tank.