Jeez Louise!! That's like a £5 in our money!!
I always thought I was on the wrong side of the pond. My Grandad (God rest him) emigrated to Canada some years ago and always said I should leave the UK, he was very much taken with BC. We get robbed blind over here over everything!!
Anyway, I will not moan and curse our much beloved Government on here.
Sods law will state you'll by the Jaguar Catfsih and the next time you are there you'll see the Striped Raphael's! That's normally how my luck is.
The store is 2 hours away, I only go when I know its worth the trip and gas money as compared to paying a little extra at the in town non chain stores. I've gone to scout the store, buy my tank and stuff, went again for a massive sale they had, and went to pickup all my fish when the tanks were ready. Maybe going again this week to pick up two more canister filters since I love them over the OTB ones I have. I keep telling myself this is the last trip, but I always find a reason to go again