Jack's Marine Adventure!

If you cannot take it back till Saturday, you may be better to freeze the body as it will start to decompose.

Ask them when you phone tommorrow if thats what they want you to do.

Was it MA??
If you cannot take it back till Saturday, you may be better to freeze the body as it will start to decompose.

Ask them when you phone tommorrow if thats what they want you to do.

Was it MA??
i could freeze it but my mum will kill me :crazy:

it was from bardills. ill ring them at dinner when its quiet and ill see what they say.
Thats so sad - I read your journal the other night. I'm so sorry things have turned for the worse again - you do seem to have had more than your fair share of bad luck. :sad:
I'm sure everything will work out for you in the end though - you deserve it.
thanks everyone for your support :)

this is what the final stocking is going to look like:

clown fish
clown goby
orchid dottyback
fireball angelfish
banggai cardinal
red firefish

or if i get another clown it will be like this:

2 clowns
clown goby
orchid dottyback
red fire fish
orchid dottyback
Not good.

Don't freeze the body, it can cause damage that appears to be something other than freezing. Refrigerate the body instead. Wrap it in 3-4 frozen food bag and it should not leach anything onto food. Bottom shelf then in said cup until you can take it back :good:

Finally, don;t store the body with the water sample. The rotting body will give a false high on the ammonia test as it rots down :nod:

All the best
Don't freeze the body, it can cause damage that appears to be something other than freezing. Refrigerate the body instead. Wrap it in 3-4 frozen food bag and it should not leach anything onto food. Bottom shelf then in said cup until you can take it back

Thats quite interesting, is there anything specific it resembles, or is it just the general act of the ice crystal formation expanding the tissues as it is frozen.
The flesh can blister IME. though you won't be doing an autopsy on something as small as a Clown, it will also cause rupturing of internal organs in most instances :good:
I'm sorry to hear of your problems Truck. Try to remain positive, I'm sure you will have a fantastic tank in the end, These set backs are there to aid your experience, not nice I know but I'm sure it will help you in the long run :good:

Glad you're not giving up, for one so young you have a good head on your shoulders :nod: and you should be proud of what you have already achieved
thanks for everyones kind words, i rang bardills up at dinner and they said they would replace it, the fish is frozen , but i put it in before seeing rabbuts post. going tomorrow to get a replacement, and i may buy a peppermint shrimp or a fish im after if there selling them at the right price, i should really be buying more crabs but seeing as im having no algae problems i dont see a point.

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