i've been wiped

Don't worry chief... Mine went too... There is a post in the newbie section about it.
Lots of people were wiped, I think it is all members registered after the 27th of December.

I lost over 650 posts and they will never return :-( :-(, very upset. If I oculd get my hands on those TWO.......... :angry: :angry: :angry: .
mine went also and i was working up to alot. It felt kinda good not to be newbie anymore. Oh well I guess that is life in the fish world.
I was completely confused when I came onto the site today. I didn't try to post yesterday and came back today and everything was messed up! See what I get for missing one day! I only lost about a hundred posts but it still stinks. I am figuring that everything after the 27th of December was wiped?

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