It's pouring!!

Don't use Table Salt, table salt bad for anything associated with fish, hehe. Aquarium salt is fine.

I pull out the airstone, cover it with a towel so it's dark. The BBS then settle to the bottom of the bottle (into what used to be the top/cap of the bottle), then after a few minutes I use a turkey baster to syphon out some and I release them into a brine shrimp net, holding it over the hatchery so the water drains back into the hatchery. Then I rince the BBS off into a glass of dechlorinated water and either pour some into the tank or use an eye dropper if I need to be more precise as to where they are going.

1.5 tsp of eggs sounds like ALOT of eggs, how many fry are you feeding? Don't forget they don't last long, you want to use them within the first day of hatching, so you need to start a fresh batch each day. For 1 normal size spawn I use 1/4 tsp of eggs and that's plenty for the day, if I have multiple spawns I would use more.

crap, that was supposet to say .5 teaspoons :D half a teaspoon sorry :*)

5.5 teaspoons of salt still seems like a lot to me :S
Lol, ok 1/2 sounds better :)

The 2 tsp of salt I use seems like alot for my 1 pint, but it works, so I don't fish what ain't broke, hehe. I do know they need very very salty water, in fact here is the dictionarys definition of "brine" : water full of salt; heavily saturated salt solution.

I hope they hatch for you, be sure to update us :)

If they don't then the only thing I can think is your eggs are bad (which does happen). Where do you store them? It's best to keep them in the fridge when you're not using them, it will extend the shelf life of the eggs.

well the eggs are my room i dont' keep them in the fridge :/ and i didn't know that i should either!

btw, which of the following spoon is a teaspoon :p

i'll throw in 5 teaspoons of aqarium salt into the container and see how that works out. If possible i'm going to find a 2L somewhere tmr and have another one going.

here is hte picture:


thanks a ton guys :D
p.s. i have scucessfully hijacked wuv's thread to teh moon :*)

the pencil crayon is there for scale :whistle: i do realize that it isn't a spoon -_-
It looks like the silver one is a tsp. I use an actual measuring spoon as I don't know if "teaspoons" are truely a teaspoon measurment. But I'm sure it's close. Good luck :)

cutecotton said:
p.s. i have scucessfully hijacked wuv's thread to teh moon :*)
:rofl: :rofl:

I have it coming to me, I've done it so many times it's not even funny :look:

This thread was over anyway,the spawn is done. ;)
:D okay guys thanks, i set up the silly little thing (finally) *sigh* if i don't get a hatch out of this one i'm going to....:grr:

*hugs wuv and linda* i :wub: you guys! :fun: thanks for all the help :)
Hey CC I hatch my BBS with out salt. i just make sure the PH is raised and i use 0 salt. I dunno if that helps but it works for me. I got theidea from wayne of waynes this and that. he tried it once and it worked , and I didnt think it could happen and (tried it)I will be darned no difference than using salt.... :thumbs:
wuvmybetta said:
I get an empty cup and sit a coffee filter on top,then use a turkey baster to gather those who are at the light.

It's called canning salt or brine salt,cc. You can get it at a grocery store right by the other salts, Usually in a big box. I dunno about table salt,I've never tried it.I suppose if it's iodine free you could try it.
it works for me but i dont feed the bbs i raise em but they die lol
:S :S :S :S :S so do i add salt or don't i add salt :S why am i so confused -_-

btw roln i read that site from that wayne site, but i tried to add baking soda (i dont' have a pH tester), and i didn't get anything hatching :blink:

Everybody is coloring up nicely. I'm dealing with a touch of velvet so that explains the green water :rolleyes:
Anyhoo, I noticed last night that the fry are identical to dad in every way. The bright red with the purple overlay. I was hoping to see no purple,but it's ok. They're cute.


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Not very big at all, nearly an inch,even though they're almost 2 months old. Plakats are extremely slow growers compared to other bettas.

A few of them are large like this, the others are still wee. So far I haven't seen any aggression from them. If I last plakat spawn were about 2 and a half months old before I had to start seperating them.

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