Its Been A Long Road.... Flyhawks Journal

oh i thought you just had to live with that!!
these are some pics of the new tank look
the left corner i absolutely love!!!
it has the newly placed driftwood and

the other side is awaiting flourite and sword plants


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this is the right side of the tank that is awating the sword plants

i also couldnt help but put on a pic of my two very scared angels :wub:


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alrright got some pics of the setup
the left side that i love and the flourite

also have the sagitteria river and the whole tank shot the next morning
its finally clear!!

now for some fish
they seem to fair okay through the whole commotion,
and the angels are already locking lips today!


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any opinions on what i could switch or waht looks would be great! :good:
get some more fast growing stems in like you have now and plant acroos the whole tank :good:

flourite is messy, so try not to disturb it too much!
well im ordering my three swords from aquarium plants .com so that right side will be full fast
im also getting excel with that order so i can have some c02
with the flourite do i have to dose flourish to?
i will put the seachem root tabs under the swords

oh i also found out from the lfs that are water around here is really hard
they said softening it doesnt even do any good. she tried to talk me out of using tap but i didnt listen that closely because she said"well people flush there meds into the water so that could be in your tap" im still going to use tap though
is the hardness bad for swords? if so what could i do to make it soft?
with the flourite do i have to dose flourish to?

i would, a weekly dose may be sufficient due to the low lighting, if defficiencies appear, simply dose more frequently.

i wouldnt worry about the hardness of the water, aslong as you think Mg & Ca is non-limiting then it is fine, if the curly/ deformed leaves strat again, add some CaCO3
ok thank you!!!
you gave me some peace of mind
i was thinking of going to the lfs and
picking up some ludwigia repens
would this look good in the tank as a
fast growing sstem?
thanks waterdrop!!!
i know that set up is the first time ive made a design that actually looks like a scape!!
wholefully i will get the swords soon to fill in the sides
i cant believe it
the angels spawned!!
the must really like the all new water in the tank!
Yes, saw your post over in cichlids about them eating the eggs. At least you have confirmation that you're starting off with a good Angelfish environment!

yeah seems they like it
the color on the rummynoses has really perked up to
so im close to having enough money to get the swordplants
im am wholefully getting 2 ozelots and 1 oriental
it sould look really pretty
the angels will like it more to when i get those swords in
ok i was wondering if i could do doy co2 in place of liquid carbon
i know diy isnt suffecient ffor a 55, but with low light?maybe?

i would be doing to bottles and my external filter would be my reactor.

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