air pumps add very little oxygen anyway, waste of money IMO...surface agitiation is enough.also should i turn my aerator off
im worried my fish wouldnt have enough o2
Was just reading this thread and I think truck is right on. I have a sword that has just been going crazy with beautiful growth. It grows a new leaf frequently, taking about 3 days to go the 17" to the surface and then making a huge leaf that sits on the surface almost like a lily pad. Its mostly dark green and just seems great. My water is extremely soft, with zero KH. I use tap water and do 50% changes weekly, the pH ranges between 6.4 and 7.4, usually somewhere inbetween. I only use around a watt per gallon and I dose excel. It felt like irony reading the thread because I use Seachem Flourite and put a Flourish tab directly under the sword every now and then. I very lightly dose N,P,K and traces in little bits across the week. Hope this helps somehow.yeah lower lighting to about 50 watts and you should find with a little NPK and trace dosing, and maybe a bit more iron and magnesium you will find they grow better, also some flourish excel will help too!i dont have the money for co2
so should i lower the lighting?
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^DIY CO2 will never be effective in a 55 gallon...its too unstable...pressurised is your only option, or you can add loads of floating plant
let me re-assure you, aaron would give exactly the same advice as radar!
haow do i stop this i have no real 'pretty' tiger lotus leaves