January Ist, Iti is a little girl!We should have a birthday party for Itiwhetu when he turns 20. When is his birthday?
She is doing remarkably well really; she was outside in the trailer this morning as I was getting ready for work.Wow...20 years young on january 1st! I'm hoping Itiwhetu breaks the record for the oldest cat alive which is presently 34 years old.
Here's a list of the oldest cat that ever lived: interesting read
The Top 10 Oldest Cats Ever!
Which are the 10 oldest cats ever? We've done the research! Jump in to read about which are the ultimate oldest cats!a-z-animals.com
it was full moon yesterdayit's a full moon tonight. BAWOOO
She has Bi yearly checkups at the vet, who say they have never seen a cat that remains at the same weight year after year like her (She has always been 3.5kg). After being on fussy cat biscuits for ten years she is now on senior formula (she has always had a bowl and just grazes). She comes to my call, she will shake hands, (when she feels like it) and she knows when I'm writing about her, she just showed up.She looks like a very healthy cat at 20 years old..do you take her to the vet at least once a year?
Does she act like she has any pain? Is her eyesight still good. What do you feed her?
Does she respond to commands?