Isn't this very cruel?! ebay horrors!

What I propose is that we do as much as we can to stop these. If we all email one seller saying the tanks are too small, they are more likely to take notice. To start with, ignore the ones who just sell on tanks large companies make (they will just say that that is what it says on the packet) and ones that have lots (like the gumball person, as said, they get ignored because they make a living from it). I regularly go and compalin about these things, especially goldfish tanks. I made a thread on the right way to complain, I'll dig up the link.

Nyaha, here it is, sly devil. I had to go through 30 is pages of my posts to find that...
yer kids should definatly not asociate fish with 'Sponge bob square pants'!!!

theyre not toys for frick sake!
It breaks my heart to see things like that. was watching the US version of wife swap recently and one of the wives bought a tiny vase, shoved the betta in it and it had a great big plant stuck in the top.

I had heard people talking about betta vases but didn't realise they actually were just tiny vases, now I definitely see what the fuss was about.

I am a novice but I take all advice on board and ask questions, no matter how stupid, to make sure the fish are happy.

BTW Dora, my female guppy, is fit to burst. I am going to put her in a breeding net tomorrow as I don't have another tank set up. She is quite a chilled out little fish so I am hoping she will cope with this ok! Have also finally found a shop that sells frozen bloodworm etc. so am going to pick some up for my fish, hope they'll like it!!
i hate spongebob, i hate barbie, i hate harry potter, and i dont like spiderman to much either, i want to kill them all! but their cartoons, so i cant :D

yes iv seen all thes desighns at some point, children are easy to market too becasue their parents will buy them the stupidest junk as long as they keep quiet, (i have an 8 year old little sister, i know -_- ) and if u'v ever visted a walmart u'll hear it "mommy, i want to see the fishies" and finally some one has desided to combine fishies and spongebob to create one of the cruelest bowls ever devised.

the light bulb beta bowl i accually like, its obviouly too small, but the desighn i think is cool, if it were a one gallon and around 10 bux id buy them.

EDIT: yes u r right, liveing things are not toys and children dont know this, my sister is always dressing up or carrying around our cat and you would think the cat would scratch her and she'd never do it again, but no, small children are not capable of learning anything and retaining that knowledge for more than 2 hours :X
Guh yes, don't you hate the especially stupid kids that are old enough to know better? Luckily I correct my sister when she gets things wrong (such as calling my cories 'koi's (lol yes, I have a school of 6 koi in my 15 gallon...)) and she tends to listen. The main thing with most children is that they get bored easily. Yes, adults get bored too, but not as quickly.
I wouldn't of bought them, they are tacky as well as prisons, common sense tell you if you don't no about fish that container or whatever is no home for a fish.
i dont care if they dont know the names of the fish, its not harming teh fish, the fish could care less about what his name is :lol:
Whats the email address of the ebay seller selling the spongebob bowls, etc.?

Has she replyed to your emails?
I agree that people should not market products to children. That is why my daughter doesn't watch TV. However if children are taught to respect their pets, then I don't see a problem letting them have a Barbie or Spongebob tank. Just not those specific tanks. They are way too small. I do know that the woman that sells the Barbie and Spongebob tanks does make them in 1G if you would like. Someone here emailed her and asked and she did reply.

My daughter does not think her fish is a toy. She knows he is a living creature. I have taught her not to tap the glass because it "hurts his ears". I have taught her not to feed him too much, because it will "give him a tummy ache".

My daughter is only 3, but every day she counts out Goldies pellets and feeds him twice a day. Goldie is her betta. She picked him out and named him. I do the majority of the water changes, but she helps wash the decorations and the sides of the tank. I have taught her many things with this fish. Feeding and cleaning his tank together is a great time for us to bond. She likes to have the responsibility, and it shows your children you respect them.

I don't believe children should be given total responsibility for a fish, but I think teaching them at a young age to care for other living things will only result in a caring and loving adult.
Thank you FishEnthusiast this is exactly the sort of thing I meant and I feel we should encourage
i think the reason ppl buy small .5 gallon tanks is cause 1 gallon tank can cost anywhere from 10$-30$ and bettas cost anywhere from 3$-7$! these lil cups cost like 2 dollars!
daudy_dojo said:
i think the reason ppl buy small .5 gallon tanks is cause 1 gallon tank can cost anywhere from 10$-30$ and bettas cost anywhere from 3$-7$! these lil cups cost like 2 dollars!
1 gallon bowls are about $4-$5 at my local Walmart, which is one of the reasons so many of my bettas are kept in them *lol*
At the craft store they have those little bowls like the one the lady used in the gumball spongebob monstrosity. I heard some people mentioning they would like to get some for their bettas, luckily I was there to "inform them" (I swear, it wasn't that much like lecturing...... :shifty: )

The part that bugs me about the underwater aquarium is what they wrote for acceptable fish.....

"This Aquarium is most suitable to cold water fish, such as goldfish and guppies, however mixing different types of fish is not recommended as it can cause problems, unless you're making a bouillabaisse."

First of all, goldfish would SO outgrow that! And poor little guppies are tropical fish.... :sad:
The thing is though, those tanks aern't suitable for any living fish, not just bettas, so whatever you do to them or how you stock them, the tank will never be good for the fish.

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