Is Your Tank "hard Work"?

my 60L get a 25% waterchange every week, and filter cleaned in tank water every month.
my 120L gets a 30% waterchange every 2 weeks and both the filters in it get cleaned in tank water every 6 weeks.

Easy work, takes 10 mins to do the 60L and 20 mins to do the 120L

Working monday to friday at my job is hard work, fishkeeping is a pleasent easy job.
u do know u couldnt really use this statistically right? too much bias

its like asking members of a football club if they enjoy playing/spectating football

whether its hard work or not, its more work than not having a tank/s
My 190litre tank rarely needs any maintenance at all.

A weekly go-around with the magnetic algea scraper, water changes are a doddle with the right equipment and methods.
I have an 80 litre plastic tub, I siphon water out into that up to a level. I can then use that water to clean any filter media I decide to do.
Once that is done, i lift it to the sink, and empty it out.

Just curious, you say you dump out your aquarium water. Did you know that house plants LOVE that water? I learned that trick from an old room mate. Our house plants were crazy, the house looked like a jungle! and no not hard work, 20-25% water change every 2-3 weeks along with a gravel clean and media rinse.
Well... because of this thread, I did my chores today and checked myself.... The only concern I had throughout was ...... are the heaters and submersible pumps switched off in the tanks I'm emptying, and is the water switched off (in time) in the tanks that was refilling.....I got full marks on that, so changing 70% water in 23 tanks in about 2 hours.... is not hard work.... The rest will be done on Wednesday. (only because it's my wedding anniversary on Tuesday)
The problem is none aquarists tend to do things wrong which creates a lot more problems, take a customer i was speaking to this morning, They start of by telling me their son has a 180L tank with 3 Fancy goldfish, so i think great, :good: a fish keeper that actually knows of the requirements of their fish, However the next thing they say is I need a load of algae to eaters to keep the tank clean as it is always going green. OK? :blink: so anyways after a few questions (from me) I find out that 100% water changes are done weekly and the filters are also washed in tap water weekly, Lets just say the customer went away with a bit of information overload and more importantly without any algae eaters well apart from a scouring pad :lol:

I spent around 2 hours on my tank per week, 50%WC and general tidy and then every 3 months i spend an extra couple hours cleaning and changing media

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