Fish Addict
I've talked to two people in the last few days who have Bettas they say they've had for 4 years or so. The most unbelievable part is that they don't do anything to treat the water--and I mean ANYTHING. One lady says she changes the water everyday and even changes the container. She said sometimes the fish is in a glass coffeepot, a vase or whatever is available. I did see the coffeepot and she proceeded to demonstrate how used to her the Betta was by picking it up in her hands. The second person also says she's had her Betta for four years and just adds in untreated water as it evaporates. Neither has a heater or a cover on the container. I know our city water has floride in it and chlorine I would assume. I also know someone else from the next town over who put hers into untreated water and they both died one hour later so....where does this leave us? NEITHER of them has a purifier on their tap by the way. I worry about mine and am trying to treat him for a tumor or swim bladder disorder (or whatever it is)and both of these ladies say the mistake I made was in using all those chemicals..WEIRD. Does anyone have an explanation for this? Both of them bought theirs from Wal-Mart and the one I saw is not a long-finned one like I have. STRANGE!!!!!!!!