Is This A Good Deal?

It's hard to imagine it is not a great deal if it is in decent shape. The $500+ your talking about on the 29 gallon can turn into $1000+ in the blink of an eye! If you start adding up the value of the live rock at about $5/lb, the corals at $50 plus or minus depending on size, and the value of an RO unit, the tank itself and extras may look like they are free. This doesn't even count the sump, skimmer, or lighting which combined could be worth over $500 alone. BTW, These are what you'd pay at an LFS to set up a tank this size and not what you can get selling this stuff off.

I'd definitely look at it first. If I was looking for a tank that size and saw that the owner upgraded the lighting to something I would want, then I'd probably grab it in a heartbeat.
I guess the only way to know will be to see it up-close, huh? If s/he does let me see it, I'll be sure to get plenty of pictures so I can get plenty of opinions.

I just need to make sure SH doesn't try and get it first. :fun:

The only dissapointing thing is that I can't watch the system from the beggining, which I was highly looking forward to.
If you start adding up the value of the live rock at about $5/lb......

Wow I wish live rock was that much here I payed £10/kg which is approximately double what you are paying. Believe it or not that is the cheapest I have ever seen it!! Crazy isn't it...

Heh, actually its more like quadruple what we pay since it's about $2 to one quid nowadays...

Tyler, that's a pretty fair deal. I wouldn't call it great until I saw the livestock list and the sump quality, but he's not really highballing anything, that's for sure
Heh, actually its more like quadruple what we pay since it's about $2 to one quid nowadays...

Tyler, that's a pretty fair deal. I wouldn't call it great until I saw the livestock list and the sump quality, but he's not really highballing anything, that's for sure

lol "$2 to one quid nowadays..."
Whoa...where is the equipment list, livestock list, etc? SH (don't worry...not gonna steal it out from under you. LOL. )
I was purposefully conservative on the live rock. When I set my tank up, I paid about $15 a pound for one large Tonga rock because I liked the shape. The rest was in $5-10 range. I'm sure comedians would have a field day hearing about us paying hundreds of dollars for 30-50 pounds of rock :blush:
SH, I don't know, he has not yet replied to my email.

The more I think about this tank, the more I go... How the heck will I move this tank to my house? :lol: And keep the DSB undisturbed?

I'm worried that I may screw up with the corals and other delicate organisms if I do get it. :/

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