Is There Such A Thing As An "easy Crab"?


Fish Crazy
May 10, 2012
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We think we want to set up a crab tank. I realise some need land and water, but I am not sure how common this is. If there are several that need this, then I think we would be leaning towards one of these. We like the idea of setting something like that up. If it is just the red claw crab, then I think this will be the one we get.

Of those type (or just the one), are they fairly resilient to learners? We are willing to read up and don't take bad advice from the LFS, but I am doing this for my son and I don't really want to kill it on him. (Not that I would want to kill them anyway, of course.)

Are there any other fresh water, or perhaps brackish (if this isn't terribly difficult because I have never done brackish) crabs that can be recommended for a beginner, land dependent or not?

ETA This was badly written. I do realise the red claws are brackish, but for some reason (perhaps I am being naive), I feel that because it isn't an entire tank full of water, it wouldn't be so difficult to manage.
Red claw crabs are the most common you will find, unless you are interested in hermits, which are not even aquatic. And about that part where it would be easy because it isn't a full tank of water, i would imagine the exact opposite is true due to it being a small amount.
There are several pretty easy crabs. Are you looking for a true crab or a hermit? Hermits are by far the easiest that I've kept. But the Hlloween Crab (not to be confussed with the reef hermit of the same name) is one of the most attractive. They are also land crabs which makes them easier to keep than red claw or fiddlers.
This is in preliminary stages, but we were thinking of a true crab. We like the idea of having part land and part water, but that probably isn't set in stone. I just don't want to choose one that I like the look of and end up with something extremely delicate (we really don't know anything about keeping crabs!). I looked up Halloween crabs. They look huge! :lol: I imagine they might need a ton of space, but I will read up on all that. I just don't know where to start with looking up types, since there are a lot and it seems on places like this forum I can mainly only find red claw. We could very possibly end up with a red claw, but I want to read about other options first.

We went from giving our son a small fish tank to this. I tried to convince him to like shrimp, but he is really into crabs, apparently.
There is an african crab, I can't remember it's name right may just be African Crab that is part land and part water. They actually eat fish. In the set up I saw them in it was half land half water and they had feeder fish swimming in the water part. The crab would go out and get one and eat it on land. It was cool
My son would LOVE that. He was disappointed we didn't get any "eating" fish for our tank. He was hoping for fish wars, I guess, or a perfect line of small to large fish going in each other's mouths like Russian dolls. ...I don't think I have the stomach to feed live fish, though. I would "save" them and give them new homes (many tanks in the house over time, I imagine), then my crab would starve to death. :blush:
There is an african crab, I can't remember it's name right may just be African Crab that is part land and part water. They actually eat fish. In the set up I saw them in it was half land half water and they had feeder fish swimming in the water part. The crab would go out and get one and eat it on land. It was cool

African rainbow crab maybe?
If it is the rainbow crab, I think I have seen them before! I like the look of them... I know nothing about them though, so am reading now. I do like crabs, but I do worry that they might not be happy in the amount of space we would be able to provide. I am looking into it though, because my son seems to have his heart set on having one. Plus it is an interesting talking point to guests, who all already think we are a bit weird anyway. We'll see!

Oh and my reasoning behind brackish being easier if it was just a small amount is that set-up recommendations for some crabs seem to suggest what amounts to a bowl of water in the tank. This would be easy to change and to mix up for, being such a low volume.
Ah, I just read that rainbow crabs ARE Halloween crabs. When I googled them I got very different results. I'm still learning! I'm surprised they live 10-20 years with the right care. :unsure: I guess I could rehome one if I moved out of the country (something that may be a possibility in the distant future).
Coconut Crab?


He could live in your bathtub....
I wish I could recall the name of it. It was all black and could stand up rather tall. Very impressive looking. He just called it an African Crab but as I search the Internet none of what comes up matches the crab I saw. It is possible that it's a different coloration of the halloween though, I can't say for sure.
Ah, I just read that rainbow crabs ARE Halloween crabs. When I googled them I got very different results. I'm still learning! I'm surprised they live 10-20 years with the right care. :unsure: I guess I could rehome one if I moved out of the country (something that may be a possibility in the distant future).
Rainbows as with most crabs we get in the hobby are at best semi aquatic.
truth is they live on land and only need some water.
also very aggressive.
can grow to 5+ inches across the shell.
they do live a long tome (or can if they are kept properly)

on the good side, they are fresh water critters.

@tcamos. I think i know your crab, but have no time, atm, to post further info.
watch this space!!!!!!!!!!!
@tcamos. I think i know your crab, but have no time, atm, to post further info.
watch this space!!!!!!!!!!!
That would be great because it's been hurting my head trying to think of it. I will know it when I see it though...
@tcamos. I think i know your crab, but have no time, atm, to post further info.
watch this space!!!!!!!!!!!
That would be great because it's been hurting my head trying to think of it. I will know it when I see it though...
sorry for the delay,.
you know how things go sometimes?

my guess is its a Rainbow crab Cardisoma armatuum
one of the colour morphs is black with red legs.

unfortunately you see em most with grey shell and washed out pink legs.

you see these are true land crabs, though they hunt, and breed, in water.
whilst they dont have lungs, they do have adaptations (extra blood vessels in the carapace) making them independent of water.
only needing moisture in order to breath.
thing is most of "us" keep em in a tank with water and a bit of land.
which you will agree is not ideal.

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