Is The Water Perimiters Gone Wrong In My Tank?


Fish Addict
May 13, 2012
Reaction score
North London UK
This is my water perimiters
Ammonia: 0.50ppm
nitrite: 0ppm
nitrate: 10ppm

I am wondering before there was high nitrite readings in my tank so i emtied the water up to the top of my fishes head, refilled it with new water and did the same thing. now im getting ammonia reading and today the nitrates have rised from 5ppm to 10ppm so is this okay as im only getting ammonia readings no nitrite
If your tanks cycled it should be fine. The ammonia should go away in a few hours or less and there shouldn't be more than .10 ppm of nitrit
My tank is in the cycling process and what im concerned of is, is there nitrites going to appear as there was very high readings of it about 2 weeks ago or is it not appearing because the filter has ajusted to it? :good:
Ammonia always spikes before nitrite in the cycling process, nitrates are inevitable and are only harmful to fish from about 45ppm and over. These are kept in check with weekly water changes.
No. The cycle it's a process that works by itself. You will have amonia>nitrites>nitrates. As said before to keep the nitrates in check you just need to do weekly water changes.
Adding chemicals to your tank for wathever purpuse normally just interferes with the cycle and unbalances things more.
Amonia spikes are normally due dirty substrate,overfeeding,decompomposing plants,or dead fish inside the tank.
And these one's can be sorted with water changes.
Anyway by your account i do not feel you have a major problem there,some water changes might do the trick and check how your fishes are doing.
Did a 150% water change by taking out 50% of water out of the tank, put in new clean water and did the same presijer 2 more times.

Heres the results i got

ammonia: 0.25ppm
nitrite: 0ppm
nitrate: 10ppm

nitrates have gone a lot lower after the water change and it may of rised this high because one of my guppies died 2 days ago which i think is because it kept cutting its tail in half :( . ammonia probably was 0ppm after i finished the water change but it may of rised as i fed the fish :good:
You actually did an 87.5% water change in the whole ;)
^^ correct^^ you cant add your 50 + 50 +50 as you mixed each time and should look at dilution per each..
however stepping as such is much easier on the inhabitants I would think, and the extra time doing it as such well spent.
I have the interpet boiactive tap safe so will this help remove these things :good:

Not as far as I'm aware. TapSafe works in the same way in terms of dechlorifying but it doesn't detoxify ammonia for any length of time.I think Prime is one of the only products of it's type available in the UK. To do the same with other products, you'll have to buy a separate bottle. :)
My tank is about 4 weeks old now with my tropical fish and before that i had 5 goldfishes which i rehomed as i heard the water paremeters cant lower as they do alot of waste and after i bought my tropical fish i saw nitrite readings as the bacteria was kept in the filter but theres no showing now

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