Is Stuff Like This Actually Fake And Dont Work?

The general consensus to that is that is that the bacteria living in there couldn't possibly survive the extreme temperatures of the warehouses they are stored in, so no, they aren't.
never used it, but most people on here don't like/agree with it. fish less cycle is always best IMO :)
don't waste your hard earned......honestly!

Take your LFS owner up the petrol station and put a couple of gallons of petrol in his Merc, it amounts to the same thing as far as how much it will benifit your tank ;)
What you can do, is buy some freeze dried or live beneficial bacteria. They are $3( E 1.50) for the freeze dried, and $18( E 9) for live bacteria. My lfs stockes both, but i dont know about yours.
I have no idea if my lfs sells freeze dried or live beneficial bacteria, i will have to try and find out, i've never heard of those before....

Look at this another product that claims to instantly cycle and yet again is probably aload of rubbish.

It would be great if one of my lfs did sell freeze dried or live bacteria....
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yes there are two products that work
the best (and only refrigerated) product is Bactinettes made by Soll.

the second best is tetra safstart and is a live bacteria kept suspended in a 'special' gel. this don't need refrigeration
but needs to be kept below a certain temp (25C I think) .

it should be noted that bactinettes is the actual nitrosomas and nitrabacter bacterias but safe start is not.
tetra believe it is actually a similar species of bacterium that do the breaking down of ammonia and nitrIte.
soll have quite a few really good products on the market
the algea treatment and blanket weed treatment are also very good by all accounts
Alexi would like this thread a wolf
then print it off for him :p

hi Alexi :friends:
yes there are two products that work
the best (and only refrigerated) product is Bactinettes made by Soll.

the second best is tetra safstart and is a live bacteria kept suspended in a 'special' gel. this don't need refrigeration
but needs to be kept below a certain temp (25C I think) .

it should be noted that bactinettes is the actual nitrosomas and nitrabacter bacterias but safe start is not.
tetra believe it is actually a similar species of bacterium that do the breaking down of ammonia and nitrIte.

where would i get the soll item wolf? i have two tanks to cycle, and had already decided to take a different approach to the job. so this would allow me to compare how the different approaches work. or not lol!
Just to vouch I fully stocked my 150g using soll bactinets and it worked a treat its the best stuff on the market but do note I did fully stock with juvenile fish but these are still big waste producers.

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