Is My Plec A Common?

Well thanks guys, Iv been looking at pics of sailfins and they have that big top fin and nobby doesnt.. but he doesnt look anything like Ivors common... urrghhh.

i found my common got darker as it grew, it looked very similar to yours when younger
i would have to say that it looks like a common pleco also. i have one that looks kind of like yours... can't really tell because it is so hard to get a pic of him since he hides in the caves all day and at night he scatters when flash goes off (my camera has automatic redeye reduction and does that little red beam and he splits). so i am going to post a pic of mine (the best i could do) before i redone my tank (wit hsand) and didn't have a cave then.


again it is not very good one... whenever he comes out so i can get a good pic i don't have a camera anywhere nearby :S ... but since he has grown he has darkened up a whole lot since this pic

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