Is My Betta Dying?

Well, he's in his new home, but I honestly don't think he'll be living much longer.

He still seems to be lying on the bottom a lot, and once and a while (about maybe every 5 minutes) he'll go to the top of the bowl, stick his mouth out, and then just kind of sink back to the bottom.

I've taken 2 more of them showing the size differences between the two bowls, and another one of a closeup of him leaning on the edge of the bowl. :(

Once again, sorry about the crappy image quality...and don't ask about that big pink thing in the bowl. :blush:
What did your sister have in the bowl they found before? If her fish got diseased and die, it might not be such a good idea to use it ( i know i am a little paranoid when it comes to that) But you never know.

And don't clean the bowl with detergents, sometimes you can't get it all off properly, and it can kill your fish. Also, perhaps get some water conditioner, because sometimes bottle water has minerals and stuff added into it.

I would say yes to a filter and a heater, or at least a heater, by the sounds of it you are in Canada, and we canadians know how cold it gets in the winter!! brrr!

But still see if you can get a small tank, that way, you can have a filter in it, which will help to keep the tank clean between water changes.

Where abouts in Canada are you, if you don't mind my asking?
Well, I wiped the bowl pretty clean just using a paper towel and water, then dried it dry with more paper towel...

Here's what it says on the bottle...if it matters:

ANALYSIS: AS.....0 HCO3.....260 Ca.....71 Cl.....2.7 Cu.....0
ANALYSE: F.....0 Mg.....31 NO3.....2.6 Pb.....0 K.....0.7
P.P.M.: Na.....1.0 SO4.....5.9 Zn.....0

My sister had a few goldfish in the bowl previously, and they only lasted a few weeks...but I honestly don't think she took proper care of them.

We do have air conditioning in my house, but at the time when it got cold in my room we were "conserving"... :S

I'll TRY to get a tank though....but my parents for some reason want me to use the bowl that my sister used to use.

We live about an hour away from Toronto.

Thanks for your help. :)
I am about an hour outside of toronto as well :)

for the bowl, I would get a heater at least though, tp keep the fish warm, they like that. I used to have my first betta in a bowl just like that when I first got him, and he really perked up when i put the heater in!! Also pick up some water conditioner.

I hope he makes it!!!
Yes, definately at petsmart!!

You can also find some nice size small tanks for not expensive, that will come with a filter and light :hey:

The problem you may have though, getting a heater with that bowl, is the rim isn't that big, so fitting the heater in, and having it at the proper level (there are minimu and maximum) might be difficult, I managed to do that, but I had some problems, and once i tripped on the cord, and because the bowl isn't as sturdy as a tank, i knocked the bowl over. :S Luckily fish was okay, but quite traumatic for him and me.

If you tell the people at petsmart what size bowl it is, and so, they can help you find a suiteable heater, Because the bowl isn't large, youwon't need a big heater.

But while there, take a look at the two gallon waterhome tanks, that is what I have 3 of at home, and they are very nice!

I think a heater that will hold onto the side would probably be preferable, because you don't have a lid to hold onto the cord so it doesn't submerse all the way in. The again, I don't know how much those are supposed to submerse anyway. :p So check that out! It might work to your advantage.
OK you need to listen....if he still alive lower the level of the water..he must get to the top to breathe and if he is ill he cant get that far. I take it the water is ok got conditioner in and what have you. So for now lower the water gently take half out so he can at least breath. cover the back of the tank with a tea towel or something as he will be scared and just leave him. Dont tap the glass or anything to make him move.
He seems to be able to go to the top and stay there for a good 20 seconds easily, then he just drops back down and doesn't move for like 10 minutes, then goes up again...he doesn't seem to be struggling at all...and he just ate another tablet.

I'm hoping to get a heater sometime parents seem to think that fish "like that" don't need heaters....and they all think I'm nuts...but I'll try to convince them otherwise.

If I were to get a heater, what temperature do you think I should set it at?

I've been looking at this one:
It says "fully submersible" so it looks like you just drop it right into the bowl and that's it...not sure though.

Thank you.
I suppose try explaining to your parents that these fish are from the philipines and thailand, and there it is hot for them. They are tropical fish.

I think having the heater in the mid 70s is good, but someone might be able to tell you better.
I just noticed that he seems to fall backwards and lands almost on his back...not upside-down...but it's like he's sitting on his tail and is always right upto the edge of the bowl looking out...and it looks like he's flaring...but without moving...he just doesn't look "right".
He also seems to be opening and closing his

I will be getting the heater today, but I don't think that will do much...I don't think he'll be living much longer.

What do you guys think?
have you added anything to his water, meds?

just keep his water as clean as possible with aqua salt. and dont feed him.

maybe even lower the water level a bit so he can get to the surface for air easily.

good luck. dont bother him to much hes sick let him rest.
Oops... I fed him this morning.
I havent put any meds in his water...should I?
I'm going to get his heater in about an hour. I guess I'll get "Alqua Salt" too.

yes get the salt, and a better heater would be one designed for a bowl his size. at walmart they have a 2-5 gal heater for like 6 bucks.
I finally went to Petsmart today and bought some Aqua Salt, a couple plants, and some blue gravel.

Why didn't I get a heater? I couldn't find any that would fit in the bowl that I have, so I'll go to Walmart tomorrow and see if they have any there.

Anyway, I put in the plants (fake) and the gravel, and dumped in half a teaspoon of Aqua Salt...he was swimming all over the place during this...but now he's back to the bottom of the bowl.

When should I start feeding him again?
Please say you dissolved the salt in a little tank water and didnt just dump it in!
You can get hydro heaters in UK made for bowls.

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