Is It Just Me That Finds It Strange....test Results


I don`t count sheep to get to sleep, I count fish
Jul 1, 2010
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Ok, I`d like to ask for other peoples opinions on a matter regarding new members posting and asking for help.

Now don`t get me wrong, I`m asking this because maybe I`m reading too much into it but here goes..........

Does anyone else find it annoying...ok maybe not annoying but find it very difficult to believe that when asked for test results of their water, results are being given as 0`s for everything. I may be completely wrong but after keeping fish for a while now I honestly find it very hard to believe that unless someone is using RO water, then it`s normal to have at least some level of nitrates no matter how low? Plus the knowledge these new members have seems to be very low so I doubt they`d be running RO systems...if that makes sense?

I really do get the feeling that some people lie about their results much rather than be completely honest which in turn then helps us to help them in the best way we can :/

I know it might seem really trivial to some people but I also get the feeling that some other members do feel the same way as I do, it`s something that has really begun to niggle me more and more lately and instead of questioning someone on their results so that I can try and help them, I`m reading these threads, doubting what they`re saying and then just clicking away from it because I basically can`t be @rsed to help :no:

Is it just me being a crabby old boot? :/
Totally with you on this one, there was a topic yesterday (about RTBS) where the nitrate was apparently 0. :rolleyes: I mean...c'mon :look:
It'll read 0 if they're not doing the test properly though (shaking it like your in a rave for a min), maybe that's what they're doing?

Doesnt RO have a slight trace of nitrate too though?
My LFS RO water normally shows about 5 nitrate!
I don't think some people are lying... My nitrate test will literally give me a 0 on my tank, even though I KNOW that cannot be true, there's a high load in that tank. I tried the test multiple times, doing the instructions word for word, even with shaking it like I'm possessed, and it'll still come up 0. I tried troubleshooting it at the forum here but we couldn't really find a solution. I don't bother giving a nitrate result when asked because my test is bupkis. But if you otherwise don't know that the result shouldn't be 0 or that you need to do the instructions to the letter, yeah of course you're gonna say that your nitrate is 0.
I didn`t think it was just me but thought it could have been :crazy: :lol:

Yeah, it`s likely that even with RO water that there may be some small amount of Nitrates I think.

It`s not a case of blowing this up into something that`s a massive issue but I really do wish that people would be honest about results. Why is it so difficult to actually say "Well I don`t actually have a test kit but I do intend to get one" OR "I don`t know what the results are because I haven`t tested the water"

I`d rather help someone who`s honest and open than try to help them and then be on the receiving end of them being frustrated or stroppy because they`re on the defensive (due to a guilty conscience). At the end of the day, what`s the point in asking for help if they can`t help themselves? -_-

Come on Newbies, be honest and help us to help you. :nod:
I don't think some people are lying... My nitrate test will literally give me a 0 on my tank, even though I KNOW that cannot be true, there's a high load in that tank. I tried the test multiple times, doing the instructions word for word, even with shaking it like I'm possessed, and it'll still come up 0. I tried troubleshooting it at the forum here but we couldn't really find a solution. I don't bother giving a nitrate result when asked because my test is bupkis. But if you otherwise don't know that the result shouldn't be 0 or that you need to do the instructions to the letter, yeah of course you're gonna say that your nitrate is 0.

Yeah I understand what you`re saying but I did say I get the feeling that 'some people are lying' therefore there are some who might not be or probably aren`t. I`m not saying everyone who claims to have 0 nitrates IS lying though, I`m really not putting everyone in the same pot :no:

I am fully aware that some people may not do the tests correctly, or some people may be using test strips or that sometimes test kits can read wrong but it does seem to me that there seems to be more and more people asking for help and 'claiming' to have 0`s across the board. It`s as if they read some threads, realise they`re going to be asked for results and then just give any reply they think sounds good. It`s just frustrating for someone who has always enjoyed being able to help others yet now I feel like I really can`t be @rsed after reading some posts that seem to me to be.....well lets just say not the truth. :S

I just think it`s a shame that some people can`t be honest when asking for help :/
There is no point testing for nitrate in most cases as levels are unlikely to exceed the safe limit, levels of up to 250mg/L are safe for all most all fish, the test kits we use in the hobby simply aren't accurate enough to test nitrate accurately. Nitrate test kits are made up of 3 reagents, in the API nitrate kit 2 of these are mixed to leave you with 2 solutions that you mix, there is a Salifert one which as far as I am aware has them all kept separately, so they're only mixed during test kits, which would generally make these results more reliable and accurate (I'm unsure as to how other brands work, but I presume they're similar). Because the reagents that API mix form a precipitate in the bottom of the bottle, they require vigorous mixing and if they're not mixed properly they can invalidate your results, also as they age their accuracy decreases a lot.

Obviously the more tests you do and with different kits the more reliable your results will be.

With regards to an earlier point, RO water should contain NO nitrate, if it does your LFS need to replace the membrane and resin in the RO/DI Unit
There is no point testing for nitrate in most cases as levels are unlikely to exceed the safe limit, levels of up to 250mg/L are safe for all most all fish, the test kits we use in the hobby simply aren't accurate enough to test nitrate accurately. Nitrate test kits are made up of 3 reagents, in the API nitrate kit 2 of these are mixed to leave you with 2 solutions that you mix, there is a Salifert one which as far as I am aware has them all kept separately, so they're only mixed during test kits, which would generally make these results more reliable and accurate (I'm unsure as to how other brands work, but I presume they're similar). Because the reagents that API mix form a precipitate in the bottom of the bottle, they require vigorous mixing and if they're not mixed properly they can invalidate your results, also as they age their accuracy decreases a lot.

Obviously the more tests you do and with different kits the more reliable your results will be.

With regards to an earlier point, RO water should contain NO nitrate, if it does your LFS need to replace the membrane and resin in the RO/DI Unit

I appreciate your reply, info is always helpful B-) question was about false test results being given by new people asking for help ;)

I guess at the end of the day, if people can`t be honest when asking for help then they`re being fools to themselves and the fish they claim to love so much. :/
In their defense though the sheer inaccuracy of their test kit could be why they're getting 0 readings for nitrate, if they are making it up they're only cheating themselves.
I think a goodly proportion of newbies dont realise that an inaccurate or "made up" set of test results is worse than no test results at all because they dont know the connection between poor water quality and most problems in fish keeping, or that those same "made up" results can lead members in completely the wrong direction
Like you Lisa I have passed over threads where I may have been able to help, because I couldn`t believe the posters` data
I think a goodly proportion of newbies dont realise that an inaccurate or "made up" set of test results is worse than no test results at all because they dont know the connection between poor water quality and most problems in fish keeping, or that those same "made up" results can lead members in completely the wrong direction
Like you Lisa I have passed over threads where I may have been able to help, because I couldn`t believe the posters` data

Excellant point!
I think it stems from people rushing in and being given bad advice elsewhere and then trying to find a quick fix where there is none.

Sometimes fish will die naturally and not as a result of the water quality and people have to understand that.
It would help people if they also spent time looking at the forum fully and they would see that the experts here are helpful and honest about their own experiences where things have gone wrong for them as well.
Forgive me if this has been mentioned, but I have a 2.5 year old tank with 0 nitrates. It is a planted tank. Planted tanks often show 0 nitrates due to the uptake of those nutrients by the plants. I'm sure that this does not include all of the '0s across the board' posters, but might account for some.
Hi elisew i am new to this and would like to say im using to differnt nitrate test the first one is part of the api 5 in 1 test strip and the second is the interpet nitrate test wich is in tablet form ,i have found that the test strip comes up with a reading of 0 wear as the tablet actuly comes up with a reading between 20 and 40 ppm and am not sure which one is right so take the reading as some were in the middle
Sometimes Nitrate can be mixed up with Nitrite, easily.

Aslong as you give good honest information and outline the issues if ammonia/nitrite was present in the tank, then there's not much else you can do


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