if it is columnaris or dropsy, please don't flush her after she dies. You could seriously contaminate things. (if you ever saw finding nemo, it's true, all waterways DO lead to the ocean, eventually.) If you have a fireplace or fire pit, consider cremation. If not, bury her in a snug fitting box so there is no chance an animal digs her up.
yea she does look sad almost like i wanna euthanis her.. but i cant do that... i would just ignored myself for like a month if i killed an animal... suffering or not!
welp.. im trying not to cry but i just got done acclimating my new betta to his new tank (pics will be in another topic) and i went to change vee-vee's water so i could put her medicine in there... and she is dead i dont understand its not fare WHY?!?! why cant this happen after i have had them for a long time!
it was so sad cause i saw her die... she layed there and then she looked at me and twitched... now she isnt breathing... and she... oh nvm i can bare to finish tears are forming!
Daudy I am so sorry. I know how horrible it is It has happened to me before. Dropsy is VERY hard to treat and I have only heard like, one success story with it. Just remember you did all you could.
I had to see my favorite betta of all times die in a slow and painful way. But I know that sometimes that is just the way it is. RIP vee-vee. At least you know she knew you cared for her.
im going to put her body in a cup of water (like the bettas come in) and seal it tight with superglue then im going to wait and my BF is coming over tomorrow and we are gonna bury her!
im sorry. i've lost two fish to this awfull disease . im also sorry to say but pitch the tank she was in i did that for mine i didnt care i could buy new ones..PLEASE PLEASE pitch that tank and get a new tank it would be way cleaner.