is dropsy contagious!!!

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crazy betta lady 0.o
Mar 18, 2005
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fort worth texas
my lil vee-vee has dropsy (i think :blink: ) i have some pics of it they arent the greatest in the world but i tried! her scales look all pine cony :( and she is in a divided tank.... should i move freckles and keep an eye on him?!?! (i have a spare 1G) i really dont want to lose her or freckles... what can i do! (today i go and get a anti-bacterial medicin for her... she has columnaris!)

here is the horrible picture... im so sorry!

is there anything at all i can do :-( ??
If the scales are sticking out i'm sad to say that's the last stage of the desease, and there is nothing you can do, issolate her as it is contagious if another fish pecks at the body, as the fluids can run out.
Actually - it's a very slim possibility, but you could possibly try Maracyn Two and/or colloidal silver and see what happens.

Like I said, the chances are pretty slim and it seems as if it's progressed pretty far already, but if it were my fish I'd probably give it a shot.
PetSmart sells maracyn 2.
Chances are you'd have to get colloidal thru the mail.
It's worth a shot, but keep in mind that the chances are very slim.
Not from the US but i think yes it is in tablet form.
Manufacturer: Mardel
A broad-spectrum antibiotic for internal or external gram negative bacterial infections which can even be absorbed through the skin. Effective treatment of fin and tail rot, popeye, gill disease, dropsy (swollen body, protruding scales), septicemia (bleeding or red streaks on the body), secondary and internal infections. Effective even when fish won't eat.
Active ingredient: Mincycline hydrochlor
It's in the blue/white and green colored packs - hanging right in the fish meds section.
Ask someone at the store for it. Just get an 8 pack, you won't need more than that.

Good luck to you!!
i was looking around and they have food for fish who have an internal bacteria and when they eat it it kills the bacteria -_- can i use macaryn II and that food (just to get her to eat :( )
I wouldn't as you will be overdosing the fish on antibiotics, and it could uncycle your tank, best to use one or the other, good luck.

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