Inventive places to shove more tanks!!

make a bunk bed in your room and put tanks under it. they sell tanks that are made for use as coffee tables too. and you could put some on teh kitchen counter.a nd you basement. and garage. and you could make a coldwater pond in your backyard. there is ALWAYS room for more tanks.
Fishy411 said:
make a bunk bed in your room and put tanks under it.  they sell tanks that are made for use as coffee tables too. and you could put some on teh kitchen counter.a nd you basement. and garage. and you could make a coldwater pond in your backyard. there is ALWAYS room for more tanks.

Oooh. A fishy coffee table, now that's a good idea. Any ideas where we can buy them?
ive seen them on ebay before but didnt buy it because it was only about 3o gallons and thats not big enough . lol. next time i see 1 i'll pm you
Woah. That has got to be real hard work keeping them all going/clean/fed etc. :S
Think I'll stick to my current 4 + quarantine tank. I have the equivalent of 120gallons in my living room. I'd really like a tank that size too. :nod: *Starts to see where it'd sit in the house.* Good job I'm utterly broke right now or I'd go looking for one. :lol:
How to make room for more fish tanks Please ensure that you have a seriously understanding family before paricipating in this.
1) Buy a spacious shed.
2) Build the shed as close to the house as possible so it will pick up the heat from the house.
3) Add some shelves and a cupboard for storage.
4) Buy a camping bed or similar...whatever there is room for.
5) Move into the shed!
6) All furniture NOT suitable for placing fish tanks on...sell! This will create more money for the next few steps.
7) Buy more furniture that is suitable for placing fish tanks on. Consider all areas, heights, corners, rooms, etc.
8 ) Place new tanks on all possible furniture...consider having a specific room for each type of, species, breeding etc.
9) If neccessary sell the family for money to buy necessary tanks!
10) Ensure tanks are fully cycled (!!) before slowly ading your new fish!
11) Enjoy your new house and your new aquarium...consider opening up your new aquarium to the public (this may present opportunities to see your now sold family!!) The extra income will be useful and a chance to show off.
12) Ensure all TFF members have free access to your new aquarium
13) Pay xxSarahxx 30% of all profits for this excellent idea so she can afford to do the same!!!
P.P.S. Every time I walk into any room in the house I look for more places to fit tanks!!
We may need to start a new topic/post...a support group for serious addicts!!
Thing is....I would SO consider doing this!!!
*Rocks back and forth saying "must have more tanks, must have more fish"*
I think you need to see Paul Mckenna xxsarahxx.
Good idea!! Anyone know how I can get in touch!!??
I just love my managerie!! Honestly that's all it is *trying to look convincing*!!
I'm not completely insane...honestly!!! Please don't kick me off mods because I'm wierd!!!!
Actually...I'm unique!! Ok, no, probably wierd!!

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