Informative Aquarium Books


New Member
May 2, 2011
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Hey everyone,

I was just wondering, does anyone know of any good aquarium books that might be helpful? My main interests would be tetras, corydoras catfish, and planted aquariums, as well as general aquarium information.

Thanks in advance.

I bought this when I first started out a few months ago and found it very useful. Quite basic but it does cover all of the basics - especially set up of tanks etc.
I've two to recommend to you, if you can find them, but there's a caveat first!

The internet is much better for all kinds of technical know-how and specific information on fish For instance neither of these books mentions cycling at all. You're far better off researching things online; books get out of date so quickly.

Having said that, here are my two favourites.

The first is The Complete Aquarium by Peter W. Scott
If you remember to bear in mind that the example tanks are wildly overstocked (I expect for photographic purposes), there are some really nice set-ups in here. It bascially guides you through 10 different freshwater set-ups (like 'Amazon Rain Forest Stream' and 'Zaire River Rapids'), three brackish and three marine. It tells you what size tank and equipment, what decor and plants you need and has suggested species for fish for each one. You can get some really great ideas for things to do from it.

The second is Tropical Fish; freshwater and marine aquaria by Reginald Dutta
This is my fav. It was written in the very early 1970s; so some his ideas on decor are mental; fancy some hoops and coils of flourescent plastic?(I mean, seriously!) Oh, and he reckons oscars only grow to 6"...
On the other hand how can you not warm to a man who describes Corydoras aeneus as having a 'saucy wink', lol.
But what I love about it is he way he makes you look at fish to make the tank right for them.
This is Dutta on the dwarf gourami for example, 'The dainty mouth stops it being a scavenger.....its home waters are almost certain to be brightly light by strong sun...give it an aquascape supplying crevices clefts, tall vallisnera reed-like plants and you'll be transfixed by their beauty...-they'll soon get to know you personally."

Aww, lol
I shall have to look at both of these. I will also have to look at stuff on the internet. At the moment, I do have The Idiots Guide to Freshwater Aquariums, by Mick Wickham, and found it informative. It actually did mention cycling in depth. Thank you for your advice, everyone.
I have a copy of "the practical encyclopedia of tropical aquarium fishes" by Mills and Vevers. Good section on the basics of setting up an aquarium, fish illnesses and a really nicely illustrated and informative reference section going through loads of different types of fish. Again, no mention of cycling and its a bit 80's (although eheim classic filters still look the same!) but a good read all the same.
i use encyclopedia of aquarium and pond fish by david alderton. its quite detailed and up to date. with info on tank setup, maintenance, illnesses, breeding and plants. i would defenetly recomend it :)
Thank you, envious. That definitely sounds helpful. Has anyone read The Manual of Fish Health, by Chris Andrews? If so, how up-to-date is it?
I'm of the old era and believe nothing I google on internet...... (because there are too many controversial advice nowadays).... I only believe what Dr. Herbert Axlerod tells me as gospel.... he is Mr. Tropical fish and knows what he's talking about..... Then also a bit of advice..... if you get that good book..... never lend it to anyone else..... I lost my aquarium bible that way.
Ludwig Venter,

Is the book to which you are referring The Atlas of freshwater fishes? If so, I have heard this is a marvelous book, but have been unable to obtain it. I am sorry for your loss.
My two oldest and much used books are Illistrated Dictionary of Tropical Fishes by Hans Frey and Encyclopedia of Tropical Fishes by Dr. Herbert R. Axelrod and William Vorderwinkler. Both of these where published in the 1970's and I got them second hand at a book sale but I find them my first choice in refernence book closely followed by Aquarium Fish by Mary Bailey and Gina Sandford and Aquarium Owner's Manual by Gina Sandford. And then as a last resort there is always the internet.
I have not heard of either of these books. Is the subject just general fish stuff, or is there anything more specific?
Ludwig Venter,

Is the book to which you are referring The Atlas of freshwater fishes? If so, I have heard this is a marvelous book, but have been unable to obtain it. I am sorry for your loss.

Here is the UK link:

You can also buy from the US to :good:
I have not heard of either of these books. Is the subject just general fish stuff, or is there anything more specific?

The book Illistrated Dictionary of Tropical Fishes is a thick book full of fish names and species as well as different diseases, pest, parasites and hitch hikers as well as some plants and fish/ aquarium terms. The Encylopedia of Tropical Fishes has got pretty much all the available knoweldge in relation to keeping, breeding etc of nearly all the fish species kept in Aquarioums around the time of publication. The other two books are much newer. The Aquarium owners Manual gives just a few samples of fresh water, brackish water and salt water fish their care etc, some diseases a few plants. While Aquarium fish has much more indepth information concerning the setting up of various tank types, with some fish species from all water types with pretty good general information on most of the fish they have selected to include in the book. Aquarium Owner's Manual by Gina Sandford was published in the Great Britian by Dorling Kinderley Limited. Aquarium Fish - A definitive guide to identifying and keeping freshwater and marine fishes was published in Britain by Hermes House.

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