yea, i would treat the other male with melafix and salt for about a week, with a 50% water change and the addition of more but slightly less melafix every other day.
depending on how hardy ur other one is if it is contagious it should be fine... mines went down but hes being a little idiot and playing hide and go seek
Yeah, I miss Crim.. he was a gorgeous strong solid burnt orange delta tail crown his eyes were cool. the top half where red the bottom half were blue... he was a special boy... he was loved
this just happened to one of my new females that i got last week.
she looked very healthy and fiesty when i got her. suddenly her gills became very red and now it she is beginning to pinecone
she has methylene blue in her tank but im afraid she wont make it
im sry jac, if u read back u can c dane tryed melafix and it helped a lil, but i dont think it did the trick. u could try bettamax if its much different