Inflamed beard/gills

alright, i did so.

And by the way, THANK you so much for the information you've provided, thanks once again.

I'm watching him, and wont stop. :)
his fins are all flared out... he looks gorgeous.. but once you take a look at his gills.. it is CLEAR something is wrong :( but luckily his fins aren't bunched up.
yep i'll be on. i'm actually afraid to go to sleep :/

I don't want to leave him..
ok, well if his fins are loseing color, then hes probably stressed out from the meds and just being sick. c if like after every hour u can take a blood worm and try to get him to eat. eating is a definate sighn that he is improveing :thumbs:
his fins are still a strong orange/red but his body is getting slightly pail.
yeah, he's just trying to stay still now. his pectorial fins are sort of possitioned in a way so that he won't move, even though the water is completely still.
yeah, now he's staying toward the surface. I looked up on betta talk, and found out most likely what he has.

and it says:

GENERAL INFO: The gill or gills of a betta may become inflamed, because of nitrate poisoning, and possibly bacterial infections, or even a defective gill (if it was born that way).

SYMPTOMS: One or both gills will not close all the way (look at betta from the top it is easier to see it then), gills may look red (inflamed) or not, in the last stages, the betta may be gasping for air, unable to breath.
TREATMENT: Isolate sick betta. Do a full jar water change every third day. Every time you change water, add antibiotic (Pick one that treats inflamed gills) to the water. In the case of nitrate poisoning, simply add one drop of methylene blue in betta’s jar.
ya thats wat i thoght it was. melafix should help alot then, i dont think u need the other medicine unless he doesn't improve by tomarrow.
now his pectorial fins are working at keeping his lips at the surface of the water. Erg, I feel so bad for him :(
wow, okay thanks :) I'll still get the others just incase, and for the future. I always like to be prepaired hehe.

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