Inflamed beard/gills

i put him in a cup :/ he wasn't moving, and i didn't want him to exhurt himself.. so the confinement is slightly small.
he possitioned himself with his nose andmouth completely out of the water :/
well he's getting air i guess... ;) is he starteing to get more pale or is beginging to go away, and does he seem o look any better at all?
his color is still a bit pale, but i think the right gill is going down, the left is still very inflamed.
ok thats great, i would just keep an eye on him and c is u can get a hold of that other stuff. u might wanna get aquarium salt 2.

before u add anything, change out the water in his cup first :thumbs:
You will be very hard pressed to find tetracycline in a fish store right now :/ There's all kinds of problems with people buying it for themselves and the manufacturers are not able to distribute it. I know you can find it on ebay...that would probably be your best bet :thumbs:
....y cant they make enogh, and i dont think dane has enogh time to buy the stuff, and have it shipped. his fish is pretty sick -_-
I had to lower the water in his cup... and change his water, puting the same dosage of Melafix as before...


REALLY unfortunately...

after a few strong last struggles to keep a-breath, he died :( I'm going to keep him in the cup until 6 today, incase i notice any movement. I tried to get him to move without shocking him, and absolutely no movement, or motion from the gills...

like i said before, unfortunately this had to happen. I had him for too long :(

Thank you so much for all the information you've providing.

And thanks for the ebay tip, Sorrell :)
i know :( Now i'm scared that the other male he shared a split tank might come down with it :/
i changed the water in the second bettas tank, hopefully he wont catch it, if it is transferable.

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