Inflamed beard/gills


Jun 22, 2004
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It appears that one of my crown males has come down with some sort of infection in the gills :(

I noticed it last week, his gills seemed to be a bit open while his beard sort of poked out, like he was about to flare, and he did at some points. I'm REALLY hoping that this isn't a serious infection that'll infect his breathing :(

I don't want to use any real hard core medication, unless I'm certain he has some disease that goes according to the dosage... but I also don't want it to get worse.. so I'm trying to find out the problem as soon as possible :(

He's in a split two gallon with another male, I'm taking the second male out of the tank just incase it is contageous.

Thanks for your time.
He could have gill parasites, give it a really close looksie. Otherwise I'd recommend Bettamax, which is a broad spectrum antibiotic. If it's gill disease, that probably won't help a ton though, and I'd suggest Tetracycline if you decide stronger stuff is in order. Good luck! :thumbs:
do they sell Tetracycline at local fish stores? eeek, there's like a bubble between his gills at the bottom. He's having a hard time swimming.. he likes to stay near the bottom.
ok, i dunno how deep ur tank is but u could lower the water lvl a bit, if hes weak, it'll be hard for him to go up for air so that would take a lil less energy to do.

the medication should be sold at the lfs
I thought ahead, and placed him in a smaller confinement, where he's away from the others, and the water is quite shallow, since he likes to be able to rest on the bottom, yet he needs to go to the surface more frequent. I REALLY hope he'll make it through the night so that first thing in the morning i can actually get something to help kill whatever he has :( if it's curable.
well if he survives the night and u can get the meds he might accually do ok. if u put food in there right now will he eat it. an appitite is a good sighn :thumbs:
I had put bloodworm in there just to test his appitite... he can't eat.. he doesn;'t even want to.. so Tetracycline is the medication that will help?
merph, he's sitting infront of me before the keyboard, kinda just looking up. This is breaking my heart, i sound like a child, but... i just really hope he'll pull through the night. I took every precaution and extent i could, it's now just up to the medication... and i have melafix, but i highly doubt that'll help.
he keeps swimming really fast at the surface.. with his mouth and nose out of the water.. he keeps breezing by the food, but he doesn't actually try to place it in his mouth or anything.
ok melafix, thats a good thing, since u dont have the other stuff on hand try that and c wat happens, the stuff is pretty safe, it wont hurt him. also u may wanna add sum salt to if i havn't alredy.
aquarium salt.. I KNEW i should have picked some up today. I had given my last bit to my aunt. So I'm really hoping melafix will help him hold on until the morning.
thats ok, im not sure table salt will b good for em or id recommend that.....well i guess add the melafix and watch him for the next hour.

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