Indoor Pond

Thats good news. Well at least i know i can get bass now. But i have nowhere to sotre them till june so i will wait. Thanks everyone for your help and advice this evening. I will put plans u plater of filtration. The bass at wholsesale are very cheap but only 3".
Also, this will sound stupid. How do pond pumps work? Does the actual pump go in the tank and tubes go to filter or other way around. Or would a fluval fx5 work for the larger pond/tank.
Very nice fish Mark. Yeah growth is good. If i had two they would be alright in the large tank wouldn't they?
It all depends on which pump you buy, internal pumps which sit in the tank are cheaper but take up a lot of room and require the filter to be mounted above the water level with gravity taking water back to the tank. External pumps are expensive but are plumbed into the filter and pump the water back to the tank from the ground.

The 6x4 tank is around 360 gallons so youd want a turn over of at least 1800 gallons an hour if you use canister filters, you can get away with less flow with a sump because they hold more media and wet/dry areas can house more bacteria because of the greater oxygen/water mix.
I think i am going tuse an internal as i am going to have a waterfall. Also the pumps don't take to much space do they. As i am not having many bottom dwellers.
I am only doing research at the moment, none of this is actuall 100% certain. The only thing that is, is the greenhouse and birds etc. However, once it is all set up as with most tanks it won't cost as much. Just the same as a normal pond basically. The only electrics will be the pump and heater. I haven't recieved a reply from the tank maker yet to give me a quote so nothing is final on size.
Cost is a huge factor with super tanks, a tank that size is going to cost around £500 a year in electricity costs and thats basing the cost on two 58w light tubes on for 3 hours a day, 900 watts of heating on 12 hours a day and a 250w of pumps for filtration and water movement.
Is that true? I won't be having lighting but that won't cut the cost that much will it.
I found filters here and the one s i want range from £115 -130.
However, if that is the cost my dream tank might be no more or i will have to downsize by a foot on all measurements except depth.
I still need to do lots of research and advice, so it is still just planning.
YOu really need to have a think about what your doing mate. A tropical pond with no lights is pointless you wont see the fish. Birds are these in cages or flying around cause you dont want bird poo in your water. Also you can cut corners and buy cheap budget pond filters. My electricity bill for my house with 2 tanks running is £70 a month.
The birds are going to be chinese painted quails so cant get up above the water to poo in it and it will also have a mesh lid to stop birds going in anyhow. What pond pumps do you use. Would they have the same turnover? As for lighting i have thought about it and can't decide whether or not to have it. The greenhouse will be on a southfacing wall so it will recieve nearly constant sunlight so tank should be illuminated enough naturally. However, i can add lights once the tank is up and running to see if i need them or not. Although i think i will have some lights due to the tropical plants i am keeping will need lighting in the winter most probably.
The electric bill for running my fish house works out at around £1000 a year give or take a hundred quid or so and half of that is the 900g which has a 250w pool pump running it, i heat the whole room with a 2000w heater rather than the tanks as it is cheaper so saying the tank would use 900w of heat is being conservative, normally a watt per litre is recomended for internal heating.

Big tanks mean big bills
how do work out the price per year using watts? I think i am oging to go for a 5' x 2.5'x 2.5' tank now. How many uk gallons is that. I guess around 200g.

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