Indie's dead...?




I've lost Indie... :(

For anyone who hasn't read my hundreds of previous posts she's my African Grey parrot..

I had her in the garden with me and my mum yesterday along with my other two birds, they were all sat on the fence quietly. We turned away from them for literally no more than 45 seconds and Molly my conure started screaming... I turn round and Indie's gone :(

As she has her wings clipped she cant have flown away, and she cant have run away in that time as anyone who's seen a Grey run will know they're very slow!!!

Someone suggested a Sparrow Hawk may have got her... There's been one near my house for a few days apparently, and they can carry pigeons away so i guess thats the only explanation... I even found some rather chewed up feathers, so i guess Indie's dead... :-(

Ive still phoned round places just incase she did somehow manage to run away or something, but im not too hopeful... Still, if anyone near me (Gloucestershire, UK) finds an African Grey please take it to the vet!! Indie was microchipped so if she is found ill hopefully get her back...

So depressing... Poor Indie... :byebye:


Indie Pic... :-(
Thats so sad, i'm really sorry to hear that.
I knew a woman who had her pomeranian taken out of her yard by a hawk. A very sad thing indeed.
Perhaps there is still hope.. i'm sure Indie is better equiped to defend herself than a pigeon.. maybe she will turn up at the vets.
*sending good thoughts*
Awww Jess, I'm so sorry :sad: We all know how much you loved her and what a wonderful home she had with you :-(
Really sorry to hear that Jess, I truly hope by some miracle you find her.


Thanks guys... Im still almost hopeful that she may turn up at a vets or something, but if i dont hear anything in a week or so i guess ill just have to accept shes dead... :sad:

She probably is better equipped to defend herself than a pigeon, but she's such a shy and nervous bird that if she was attacked and carried off she'd have died of shock pretty much immediately... I hope anyway.. :-(

Im definately never going to let my birds outside again...

I know what it's like losing a pet, and losing a bird like that is almost like losing a child :sad: I hope she is found, try to be positive, maybe luck is on your side :nod:
Heres an Idea

Look for a Sparrow hawk around ur house

Follow it and then look around were its nest is

If u see any Indie feathers well... :-(

but chances are Indie knows how to defend herself

keep getting postive thoughts! :nod:
Awwww crap i know exactly how you feel one of our budgies managed to escape through the side door of the cage when we put the cages outside so the budgies could have some sunshine. :-( we were just lucky that the others didn't follow him!! We asked at the local petshops and vets if he had been found but he never came. I secretly hope he is out there pestering sparrows or found a nice home with someone else!

Surely you or your mum would have seen the hawk fly away with her. Could a hawk really take a parrot? it couldn't have been a thief, if they steal koi they'll defineately take a parrot. Theres quite a few parrot websites out htere so put put notices on them and remember to check the local RSPCA and animal homes. You never know.

My heart goes out to you. i really hope you find her as she was such a beautiful bird. goodluck

Ive just phoned the insurance company to let them know whats happened and they said there was a report of an African Grey being found near me yesterday. Obviously im not getting my hopes up as its unlikely that its Indie but at least if one has been found she might be!!

Aloaring - I really dont know whether a sparrow hawk could carry a Grey away, but they definately eat pigeons so it would at least be able to take her a little way... ive looked in all the fields around me and cant find her anywhere though :sad:

I shall let you guys know if i hear anymore about her! And yes, she's beautiful! :)

I have everything crossed for you !! I :X hope it is indie. How many african greys on the loose can they have in one area!!
aloaring said:
I have everything crossed for you !! I :X hope it is indie. How many african greys on the loose can they have in one area!!

Lol... True

Im not getting my hopes up incase it's not her though... I wouldn't be suprised if its not even an African Grey thats been found... :grr:

No phone call yet though... Keep crossing everything! :p

Well... i just got a phone call from the guy who supposedly had this African Grey that had been found... and he knew nothing about it.. :grr:

Apparently cos of where i live (middle of nowhere) and the fact her wings are clipped, she may not make it to somewhere she can be picked up before being attacked if she did fly away... :-(

My mum is feeling SO guilty cos it was her idea to take the birds out... :sad: She keeps offering to buy me a new bird if we dont find Indie... wont be the same though :-(


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