In their New Bowls

Ok, if I may intervene :whistle: It's not everybodies fault that they're under the assumption that these are permanent homes for the fish, I mean c'mon....the title says they're in their new bowls.

I do believe (and practice as shown here: ) that an adult betta should be kept in no less than 1 gallon. However this isn't possible with fry because there's so many, especially with multiple spawns. Keeping fry in small areas (jars) is somewhat different because that fish will be sold and housed. The parents should have a nice comfy home though, to avoid it turning into a 'puppy mill'
ya know what psgill00?
i was routing for you at first
i could see how you would be a little peeved at the responses you were getting
but the truth is,
although they may not be worded in the best ways,
what we are telling you is true
bettas should really have at least 1 gallon each
they do prefer small spaces, that is true
but not all of the time
by adding a cave and plant to a 1 gallon you are providing the betta
with a comfort zone, yet swimming space
you can put all of the bowls or large jars side by side, and they will still have their neighbours
they do not need filtration, only weekly water changes
light is good, (like an open window without direct sunlight),
but as long as the room is fairy warm night and day, no heater is required

i beleive that this explained nicely the difference between a breeder and an owner:

as someone who breeds bettas i will tell you that while it would be nice to have a 1 gallon tank for every single fish in a spawn the reality is that it's just not feasable when you might have upwards to 100+ per spawn. we do use filters but only in our grow out tanks and our breeding tank. we use a number of 1 litre and 1 1/2 litre glass jars for our juvenile 3+ month fish and they thrive in that enviroment because we do the water changes required on a regular basis. (all our jars get complete water changes every three days so water deteriation is not an issue ever.) while we would not consider housing a "pet" betta in a 1 litre jar forever we have no problem keeping fish we plan to either give away or sell in them short term. none of our tanks are heated ever yet our water temps range between 78 - 80. we monitor our fish on a daily basis and take pride in the fact that we breed healthy energetic fish.

and as for you saying that you were "aclimatizing" the fish in the 1 litre containers,
i can see how this could have been misunderstood,
i myself, although i could be wrong, felt that you were using these as perminant homes, then as people started telling you that your plan was flawed you became a bit hostile, (don't get me wrong, some things said could have been taken as snippy to you but i assure you they weren't ment to be), then when you were backed into a corner even after saying that "you don't care if it is cruel" you seemed to change the story to "they are only temporary homes"
i am sensing that you felt a bit foolish fighting back on some good advise?

i am not here to judge you, just simply to let you know that we are not here to beat you up, but to inform you
we have said that you are taking marvelous care of your fish, but we have also given you good advise and information on how to better yourself as a fish keeper
i was fealing bad for you until i read your last remark,
which i found quite foolish
please don't let others remarks (that you have obviously taken the wrong way) resort in you acting childish
I will not make any more comments as i have made them all or somebody else had made them for me. I did not mean to cause offence but to highlight my concerns for the health and safety of the fish. I am no expert but i do feel i have enough intelligence and experiance to voice my opinion. I did not want to be part of a linch mob because that what some people thought because a couple of us disagreed.

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